The Shades of Love by Jessica Lee (FreedomFilmFest 2020)
Date: 12–14/12/2020
Time: 8:00PM, 2:00PM
Language: English
Category: Film
Duration: 1 hour
RM0.00, RM5.00
All Fees Included
RM0.00, RM5.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 1 hour
FreedomFilmFest, Malaysia’s International Human Rights Film Festival will be hosted online for the very first time this year and EVERYONE is invited. The first 150 tickets for EACH session of the festival will be FREE of charge.
Dec 2020
8:00PM (GMT+8)
Film Premiere
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Dec 2020
2:00PM (GMT+8)
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The Shades of Love
Sinopsis Filem
The Shades of Love adalah sebuah perjalanan intim menelusuri cinta, kehidupan, dan kehilangan buat tiga orang pekerja seks di Singapura. Di sebalik hari-hari biasa di kota ini, suara wanita-wanita ini membawa kita melangkaui kebiasaan kita, ke dalam pengalaman yang dilalui mereka. Meninggalkan pandangan satu dimensi tentang pekerja seks, wanita-wanita ini juga adalah pencinta, anak gadis, ahli terapi, usahawan, dan pendidik. Dengan menyuluhkan cahaya ke arah sisi kemanusiaan, harga diri, dan kuasa yang dimiliki oleh komuniti tertindas dan terasing ini, kisah mereka mengajar kita satu perkara - cinta dan kehidupan datang dalam pelbagai warna.
Film Synopsis
The Shades of Love is an intimate journey into the loves, lives and losses of 3 sex workers in Singapore. As an ordinary day in this city unfolds, the voices of these women take us beyond the everyday we dwell in, into the lived experiences they inhabit. Moving beyond the one-dimensional perception of sex workers, these women are also lovers, daughters, therapists, entrepreneurs, and educators. By shedding light on the humanity, dignity, and power of this marginalised and underserved community, their stories teach us one thing - love and life come in various shades.

Year of Production: 2020
Runtime: 20 minutes
Country of Film: Singapore
Language of Film: English
Subtitle Language: Bahasa Malaysia
Filmmaker: Jessica Lee
Jessica Lee

Screening Date & Time with details
Date & Time | Details | Language of Session |
12 Dec, 8.00pm |
Film Premiere and post screening discussion Moderated by Nina Chabra (FreedomFilmFest SG) |
English |
13 Dec, 2.00pm |
Film and post screening discussion |
Bahasa Malaysia |
About FreedomFilmFest
FreedomFilmFest(FFF) is organised by Freedom Film Network (Pertubuhan Perfileman Sosial Malaysia), a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of social justice and human rights films.
FFF 2020 is part of the Social Films For Social Change project co-organised with Goethe Institut and supported by the European Union. And in collaboration with our screening partners: BENTARAKATA (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), CIVICA Research (Kuching, Sarawak), ENGAGE (Muar & Johor Bahru, Johor), FFF Penang, LASKAR (Temerloh, Pahang), Suatukala (Langkawi, Kedah) & Function 8 (Singapore).
For more information about FFF, head over to our website
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