
Animating HERstories of trauma and healing in South East Asia - A selection of 3 short animated documentaries followed by a panel discussion with the filmmakers. (FreedomFilmFest 2020)

FreedomFilmFest 2020




LanguageBahasa Malaysia


Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

This show has ended.



All Fees Included

FreedomFilmFest, Malaysia’s International Human Rights Film Festival will be hosted online for the very first time this year and EVERYONE is invited. The first 150 tickets for EACH session of the festival will be FREE of charge.

All you need to do is to select the session that you want to watch and register your details with us.

Film and session details are below.




Dec 2020

4:00PM (GMT+8)



Suloh Poster

Sinopsis Filem
Dalam dokumentari yang disampaikan dalam bentuk animasi ini, Kak Ton (bukan nama sebenar) menceritakan sendiri kisah suka dukanya serta bagaimana Kak Ton menghadapi cabaran dalam hidupnya setelah ditinggalkan oleh suaminya yang berkahwin lain tanpa pengetahuannya

Film Synopsis
Kak Ton, a 40-year-old woman, is left by her husband for another woman. Shattered and alone, she decides to rebuild her life by creating her own world with her two bare hands.

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Suloh Visual
Suloh Visual

Year of Production: 2020
Runtime: 5 minutes
Country of Film: Malaysia
Language of Film: Bahasa Malaysia
Subtitle Language: English
Filmmaker: Norhayati Kaprawi

Norhayati Kaprawi

Norhayati Kaprawi

Still Here, Still Walking

Still Here Still Walking Poster

Sinopsis Filem
"Still Here, Still Walking” adalah sebuah filem yang berbentuk diari oleh seorang aktivis Filipina dalam usahanya menangani isu kesihatan mentalnya dan aktivisme politiknya. Ia mengikuti perkembangannya dari seorang mahasiswa yang naif di institut seni yang ditubuhkan isteri bekas diktator Imelda Marcos kepada seorang pejuang menentang president Rodrigo Duterte. Beliau juga mengalami cabaran mengimbangi perjuangnya dengan tekanan daripada keluarga, pelajaran, sahabat-sahabat dan daripada dalam dirinya

Film Synopsis
Still Here, Still Walking is a diary film about a Filipino struggling to reconcile contradictions between her mental health issues and her political activism. It builds on her reflections, starting as a naïve art student from a school founded by Imelda Marcos to a conscious participant in protests against President Rodrigo Duterte. This overlaps with conflicts with her family, her studies, her comrades, and within herself.

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Suloh Visual
Suloh Visual

Year of Production: 2020
Runtime: 6 minutes
Country of Film: Philippines
Language of Film: Tagalog
Subtitle Language: English
Filmmaker: Kat Catalan

Kat Catalan

Kat Catalan

A Daughter’s Memory

Suloh Poster

Film Synopsis
Indonesia, 1965. Beratusan ribu individu ditangkap oleh kerajaan tanpa sebarang alasan rasmi. Sesetengah daripada mereka dilepaskan. Tetapi ramai lagi yang hilang selama-lamanya. Beratusan ribu, malah berjuta anak-anak hilang ibubapa mereka. “A Daughter’s memori” adalah sebuah kisah seorang yang telah menempuh sejarah hitam ini. Beliau mengimbas kembali memori ayahnya yang tercinta yang merupakan pemimpin kanan Parti Komunis Indonesia.

Film Synopsis
In Indonesia, 1965. Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of people were arrested without official warrants. Some returned home, many disappeared forever. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of children lost their parents. A Daughter’s Memory, is a story of one of survivors of the darkest chapters in Indonesia’s history. She recalls her memories with her loving father who was one of the senior leaders of Indonesian Communist Party.

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A Daughter’s Memory
A Daughter’s Memory

Year of Production: 2018
Runtime: 5 minutes
Country of Film: Indonesia
Language of Film: Indonesia
Subtitle Language: English
Filmmaker: Kartika Pratiwi

Kartika Pratiwi

Kartika Pratiwi

Screening Date & Time with details

Date & Time Details Language of Session
12 Dec, 4.00pm

Film and panel discussion
 - Norhayati Kaprawi (Filmmaker, SULOH)
 - Kat Catalan (Filmmaker, Still Here, Still Walking)
 - Kartika Pratiwi (Filmmaker, A Daughter's Memory)

Moderated by Brenda Danker (Freedom Film Network)


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About FreedomFilmFest

FreedomFilmFest(FFF) is organised by Freedom Film Network (Pertubuhan Perfileman Sosial Malaysia), a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of social justice and human rights films.

FFF 2020 is part of the Social Films For Social Change project co-organised with Goethe Institut and supported by the European Union. And in collaboration with our screening partners: BENTARAKATA (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), CIVICA Research (Kuching, Sarawak), ENGAGE (Muar & Johor Bahru, Johor), FFF Penang, LASKAR (Temerloh, Pahang), Suatukala (Langkawi, Kedah) & Function 8 (Singapore).

For more information about FFF, head over to our website

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