
Di Luar Bayangan: Kisah Chandran & Kisah Que Lin (FreedomFilmFest 2020)

FreedomFilmFest 2020




LanguageEnglish, Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia


Duration: 1 hour

This show has ended.



All Fees Included

FreedomFilmFest, Malaysia’s International Human Rights Film Festival will be hosted online for the very first time this year and EVERYONE is invited. The first 150 tickets for EACH session of the festival will be FREE of charge.

All you need to do is to select the session that you want to watch and register your details with us.

Film and session details are below.




Dec 2020

8:00PM (GMT+8)


Di Luar Bayangan: Kisah Chandran

Kisah Chandran Poster

Sinopsis Filem
Sebuah panggilan telefon membawa berita kehilangan seorang bapa buat keluarga. Sebuah tragedi dalam tahanan. Bersalah atau tidak, adakah tahanan di balik jeriji besi ini boleh diperlakukan tanpa perikemanusiaan sedemikian? Sebuah wayang kulit yang diinspirasikan dari kisah Chandran Perumal. Di Luar Bayangan / Beyond Understanding adalah satu siri filem pendek mengenai kematian dan penderaan dalam tahanan. Setiap kisah menyoroti perjalanan yang berbeza, dari perspektif mangsa, keluarga mereka, peguam, aktivis, dan pekerja hak asasi manusia.

Film Synopsis
A phone call brings news of the loss of a father. A tragedy in custody... one of just too many such cases in Malaysia. Whether a crime was committed or not, does any person deserve to be treated inhumanly just because they are behind bars? Based on court proceedings and the testimonies of family members and lawyers, this shadow play is inspired by the true story of Chandran Perumal. Di Luar Bayangan / Beyond Understanding is a series of short films about death and abuse in custody. Each story highlights a different journey — from the perspectives of victims, their families, lawyers, activists, and human rights workers.

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Di Luar Bayangan:Kisah Chandran
Di Luar Bayangan:Kisah Chandran

Year of Production: 2020
Runtime: 8 minutes
Country of Film: Malaysia
Language of Film: Bahasa Malaysia
Subtitle Language: English
Shadow Play Director: Jason Ong

Jason Ong

Jason Ong

Di Luar Bayangan: Kisah Que Lin

Kisah Que Lin

Film Synopsis
Seorang aktivis hak asasi manusia menghasilkan wayang kulit kontemporari mengenai kematian dan penyalahgunaan dalam tahanan, dalam perjalanannya untuk memahami ketidakadilan yang berlaku di belakang dan di luar jeriji besi. Di Luar Bayangan / Beyond Understanding adalah satu siri filem pendek mengenai kematian dan penderaan dalam tahanan. Setiap kisah menyoroti perjalanan yang berbeza, dari perspektif mangsa, keluarga mereka, peguam, aktivis, dan pekerja hak asasi manusia.

Film Synopsis
A human rights activist produces a contemporary shadow play about death and abuse in custody, while in the midst of her journey to make sense of the injustice that takes place behind and beyond the bars. Di Luar Bayangan / Beyond Understanding is a series of short films about death and abuse in custody. Each story highlights a different journey, from perspectives of victims, their families, lawyers, activists, and human rights workers.

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Di Luar Bayangan: Kisah Que Lin
Di Luar Bayangan: Kisah Que Lin

Year of Production: 2020
Runtime: 20 minutes
Country of Film: Malaysia
Language of Film: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin
Subtitle Language: Bahasa Malaysia
Filmmaker: Goh Choon Ean

Goh Choon Ean

Goh Choo Ern

Screening Date & Time with details

Date & Time Details Language of Session
12 Dec, 8.00pm

Film Premiere and post screening discussion
"Is It Truly Beyond Understanding?"
 - Goh Choon Ean (Filmmaker)
 - M Visvanathan (Chairperson, Eliminating Deaths and Abuse in Custody Together (EDICT))

Moderated by Andrew Han (FFF Penang)

English & Bahasa Malaysia

Purchase Ticket Now

About FreedomFilmFest

FreedomFilmFest(FFF) is organised by Freedom Film Network (Pertubuhan Perfileman Sosial Malaysia), a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of social justice and human rights films.

FFF 2020 is part of the Social Films For Social Change project co-organised with Goethe Institut and supported by the European Union. And in collaboration with our screening partners: BENTARAKATA (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), CIVICA Research (Kuching, Sarawak), ENGAGE (Muar & Johor Bahru, Johor), FFF Penang, LASKAR (Temerloh, Pahang), Suatukala (Langkawi, Kedah) & Function 8 (Singapore).

For more information about FFF, head over to our website

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