Petani Bukan Pemalas by Nurfitri Amir (FreedomFilmFest 2020)
Date: 11–14/12/2020
Time: 9:15PM, 8:30PM
Language: Bahasa Malaysia
Category: Film
Duration: 1 hour
RM0.00, RM5.00
All Fees Included
RM0.00, RM5.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 1 hour
FreedomFilmFest, Malaysia’s International Human Rights Film Festival will be hosted online for the very first time this year and EVERYONE is invited. The first 150 tickets for EACH session of the festival will be FREE of charge.
Dec 2020
9:15PM (GMT+8)
Film Premiere
Watch Online
Dec 2020
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Hosted by Suatukala
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Petani Bukan Pemalas
Sinopsis Filem
Azhar merupakan seorang pesawah yang berwawasan, rajin dan gigih berusaha. Beliau berasal dari Alor Pongsu, sebuah pekan kecil di utara Perak yang dikelilingi sawah padi. Beliau terlibat dalam pekerjaan sebagai petani sejak berumur 16 tahun lagi. Kini berusia 52 tahun Azhar cukup berpengalaman dan sudah masak dengan pelbagai isu dan masalah di sawahnya. Eksploitasi harga benih padi sah yang mahal dan kualiti yang teruk yang berlaku hampir setiap kali tiba musim menanam mengecewakan beliau. Azhar mengurangkan kebergantungan terhadap benih komersial dengan memproses benih padinya sendiri di rumah yang merupakan ilmu pertanian tradisional yang semakin lama ditinggalkan sejak penghasilan benih secara komersial digalakkan kerajaan. Marah dan tertekan dengan tekanan pendapatan yang semakin berkurangan serta kos yang semakin meningkat serta tuduhan yang mengatakan petani malas dan tidak berpengetahuan, Azhar berazam untuk menuntut keadilan dan melakukan perubahan terhadap nasib pesawah seperti beliau bersama-sama dengan sahabat-sabahat beliau.
Film Synopsis
A rural smallholding padi farmer from Alor Pongsu, Azhar rues the bitterness of an exploitative system where farmers like him are shortchanged with expensive commercial seeds that increasingly yield poor harvests despite all their hard work and dedication. Angered by the declining harvests and rising costs, Azhar takes matters into his own hands by cultivating rice seeds, an age-old farming practice long since forgotten after the government started aggressively marketing commercial seeds. However, he faces a battle to correct government-sown misconceptions of farmers being failures due to laziness and unwillingness to learn modern techniques. Matters come to a head and Azhar must decide it’s time for farmers to band together to seek justice and demand change to their common livelihoods.

Year of Production: 2020
Runtime: 20 minutes
Country of Film: Malaysia
Language of Film: Bahasa Malaysia
Subtitle Language: English
Filmmaker: Nurfitri Amir
Nurfitri Amir

Screening Date & Time with details
Date & Time | Details | Language of Session |
11 Dec, 9.15pm |
Film Premiere and post screening discussion |
Bahasa Malaysia |
13 Dec, 8.30pm |
Film and post screening discussion Moderated by Shareen Rahmat (Suatukala) |
English & Bahasa Malaysia |
About FreedomFilmFest
FreedomFilmFest(FFF) is organised by Freedom Film Network (Pertubuhan Perfileman Sosial Malaysia), a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of social justice and human rights films.
FFF 2020 is part of the Social Films For Social Change project co-organised with Goethe Institut and supported by the European Union. And in collaboration with our screening partners: BENTARAKATA (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), CIVICA Research (Kuching, Sarawak), ENGAGE (Muar & Johor Bahru, Johor), FFF Penang, LASKAR (Temerloh, Pahang), Suatukala (Langkawi, Kedah) & Function 8 (Singapore).
For more information about FFF, head over to our website