The Great North Korean Picture Show by Lynn Lee & James Lee (FreedomFilmFest 2020)
Date: 11–12/12/2020
Time: 7:00PM
Language: Korean
Category: Film
Duration: 2 hours
RM0.00, RM5.00
All Fees Included
RM0.00, RM5.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 2 hours
FreedomFilmFest, Malaysia’s International Human Rights Film Festival will be hosted online for the very first time this year and EVERYONE is invited. The first 150 tickets for EACH session of the festival will be FREE of charge.
Dec 2020
7:00PM (GMT+8)
(150 tickets sold, tickets now cost RM5)
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The Great North Korean Picture Show
Sinopsis Filem
Industri filem Korea Utara adalah alatan penting dalam jentera propaganda meluas rejim tersebut. Dalam negara yang paling berahsia, filembukan dibikin untuk hiburan. Sebaliknya, mereka bertujuan untuk mendidik dan mempromosikan ideologi komunis. Tetapi apa yang berlaku di sebalik tabir? Lynn Lee dan James Leong adalah orang asing pertama yang dibenarkan menjalani penggambaran di satu-satunya sekolah filem Korea Utara - sebuah institusi elit di mana bakat muda dilatih untuk mencipta karya yang akan membantu membentuk jiwa seluruh bangsa. Kim Un Bom dan Ri Yun Mi adalah dua orang pelakon baharu yang terpilih khusus untuk menjadi bintang filem masa hadapan. Idealistik dan bercita-cita tinggi, mereka menyimpan impian besar. Kehidupan mereka adalah cerminan kepada bagaimana golongan terbaik dan terpintar melalui kehidupan di negara yang masih merupakan misteri bagi seluruh dunia. Di Studio Filem Korea Utara, Pengarah Pyo Hang mengejar masa untuk menyiapkan filem pecah panggung terbaharu, sebuah filem drama masa lampau yang membariskan ratusan pelakon. Ia sebuah keadaan yang amat menekan dan hasil kerjanya sudah ditentukan – beliau bukan sahaja perlu mengumpulkan pelakon dan krewnya, tetapi juga perlu menghasilkan sebuah karya yang menyenangkan pemimpinnya.
Film Synopsis
North Korea’s film industry is a vital tool in the regime's vast propaganda machinery. Inside the world’s most secretive state, movies aren’t made for entertainment. Rather, they’re meant to educate the masses and promote communist ideology. But what goes on behind the scenes? Lynn Lee and James Leong are the first foreigners allowed to film inside North Korea's only film school - an elite institution where young talents are trained to create works that will help shape the psyche of an entire nation. Kim Un Bom and Ri Yun Mi are two aspiring actors handpicked by the regime to become future movie stars. Idealistic and ambitious, they have huge dreams. Their lives are a reflection of how the best and brightest live in a country that’s still a mystery to the rest of the world. Over at the North Korean Film Studio, Director Pyo Hang is racing to complete the year’s latest blockbuster, a period drama featuring a cast of hundreds. It’s a highly stressful environment and Pyo has his work cut out – he must not only rally his cast and crew, he must deliver a masterpiece that will please his leaders.

Year of Production: 2012
Runtime: 94 minutes
Country of Film: Singapore
Language of Film: Korean
Subtitle Language: English
Filmmakers: Lynn Lee & James Lee
Lynn Lee

James Lee

Screening Date & Time with details
Date & Time | Details | Language of Session |
11 Dec, 7.00pm |
Film and post screening discussion Moderated by Liew Kai Khiun (independent scholar on Transnational Media and Cultural Studies in Asia) |
English |
About FreedomFilmFest
FreedomFilmFest(FFF) is organised by Freedom Film Network (Pertubuhan Perfileman Sosial Malaysia), a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of social justice and human rights films.
FFF 2020 is part of the Social Films For Social Change project co-organised with Goethe Institut and supported by the European Union. And in collaboration with our screening partners: BENTARAKATA (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), CIVICA Research (Kuching, Sarawak), ENGAGE (Muar & Johor Bahru, Johor), FFF Penang, LASKAR (Temerloh, Pahang), Suatukala (Langkawi, Kedah) & Function 8 (Singapore).
For more information about FFF, head over to our website