<Witch Watch> Watch Party
Duration: 78 minutes without intermission
Doors Open: 15 minutes before the show
Seating: Numbered Seating
Recommended for: 13 years old and above
Additional Fee Applies
Duration: 78 minutes without intermission
Doors Open: 15 minutes before the show
Seating: Numbered Seating
Recommended for: 13 years old and above
Mar 2025
<WITCH WATCH> WATCH PARTY - Malaysia Premiere
DATE: 22 March 2025, Saturday
VENUE: Dadi Cinema, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur
* Each ticket includes a set of exclusive collectible merchandise:
- 1. Limited Edition Bookmarks
- 2. Nico Acrylic Keychain
Price: RM45 (Excluding handling fee).

The magic is beyond imagination!
Morihito Otogi, a high school student with the power of an Ogre, ends up living with Nico, his witch-in-training childhood friend, as her familiar! While Nico is excited to be reunited with her childhood friend, Morihito has a mission as her familiar to protect Nico from a prophesied disaster.
Nico's magic causes unpredictable trouble, and the two teenagers are living together...
Here begins the journey filled with trouble and wonders! From Kenta Shinohara, the author of "SKET DANCE" and "Astra Lost in Space," a bizarre magical comedy is about to unfold!
超人氣《WITCH WATCH 魔女守護者》先行特映會登場
全球先行特映!馬來西亞站搶先看3集 獨家限量特典必獲得
由「回歸線娛樂」代理,JUMP熱門連載作品《WITCH WATCH 魔女守護者》改編動畫將在4月6日起重磅登場!並邀請到日本天「YOASOBI」為動畫量身打造專屬OP〈Watch me!〉,期待與討論度爆表!這部由日本漫畫家篠原健太創作的魔法喜劇大作,故事講述「魔女」妮可以及「鬼之後裔」守仁一連串異想天開、超爆笑的同居生活,3月起將大規模在台灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國等地舉辦全球「先行特映會」!
馬來西亞的粉絲千萬別錯過獨家機會,3月22日在DADI CINEMA PAVILION KUALA LUMPUR 讓你搶先看《WITCH WATCH 魔女守護者》前3集,並加碼聲優與導演獨家精采訪談影片,參加先行特映會的粉絲還能搶先獲得《WITCH WATCH 魔女守護者》特典,有「先行特映限定書籤組」及「妮可壓克力吊飾」,其中「先行特映限定書籤組」能一次蒐集5位角色精美圖面,極具收藏價值,超限量名額 !
《WITCH WATCH 魔女守護者》故事敘述擁有鬼之力的高中生乙木守仁,成為正在進行魔女修行的兒時玩伴妮可的使魔,雖然是一起長大的青梅竹馬,守仁卻因「一年內災難將降臨在妮可身上」的預言揭示,背負使命守護妮可,只是妮可的魔法引起各種無法預測的麻煩,後續又有夥伴加入他們的同居生活……前途多災多難又充滿不可思議的日子即將開始!
Ticketing Terms & Conditions
1. General Admission
o Each ticket grants one (1) admission to the WATCH PARTY – Malaysia Premiere on 22 March 2025 (Saturday) at 3 PM, held at Dadi Cinema, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur.
o The film will be screened in Japanese with subtitles available in Bahasa Malaysia, English, and Mandarin.
2. Ticket Purchase & Collection
o All tickets are priced at RM45 (Excluding handling fee).
o Each ticket includes a set of exclusive collectible merchandise:
- One (1) Limited Edition Bookmark
- One (1) Nico Acrylic Keychain
o Tickets are non-refundable, non-exchangeable, and non-transferable.
3. Ticket Redemption
o All ticket purchasers must present their ticket confirmation email and the QR code at the redemption counter to collect their ticket and exclusive merchandise.
o Tickets and merchandise must be redeemed on the event day at the designated counter before the screening begins.
4. Event Policies
o Attendees must present a valid entry ticket.
o The organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to any individual without a valid ticket.
o Latecomers may be required to wait for a suitable break in the screening before being allowed entry.
5. Merchandise Collection
o Exclusive collectible merchandise will be distributed upon ticket verification at the event.
o Merchandise is limited to one (1) set per ticket and cannot be exchanged for cash or other items.
6. Code of Conduct
o Recording or live-streaming of the film is strictly prohibited inside the cinema.
o Disruptive behavior may result in removal from the event without a refund.
7. Organiser’s Rights
o The organiser reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions, event details, or cancel the event if necessary, without prior notice.
o The organiser’s decisions are final and binding in all matters related to the event.
By purchasing a ticket, attendees agree to comply with these terms and conditions.