三姊妹 Three Sisters
MUKA Space 木卡空间, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac), Luminous Theatre 伴调子剧社
Date: 30/04–02/05/2024
Time: 8:30PM, 3:00PM
Duration: 120 minutes without intermission
Doors Open: 15 minutes before the show
Recommended for: 16 years old and above
RM88.00, RM98.00, RM128.00
All Fees Included
RM88.00, RM98.00, RM128.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 120 minutes without intermission
Doors Open: 15 minutes before the show
Recommended for: 16 years old and above
Performers & Creatives
Easee Gan 颜永祯
Executive Producer
Deric Gan 顏永祺
Noelle Nah 蓝念佳
Paige Chan 郑羽萍
杜雪菱 Toh Shir Ling
Cast, Music Composer
Khai Shin 凱欣
Shireen Yap 叶诗鈴
Yi Ern 忆恩
Wallance 谢政伟
Jean Chee 徐靖仪
Evelyn 憶瑶
Kinsley Hii 许凤
Won 溫駿業
Teo Chong Chiek 张骏杰
李振权 Lee chin kuan
Lianne Tan
Luminous Theatre 伴调子剧社
Yen Hoang
Lighting Operator
Apr 2024
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
May 2024
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
May 2024
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
This version of “Three Sisters” undergoes a completely new deconstruction based on the classic work “Three Sisters” by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, incorporating the real-life stories of Chekhov and his sister Maria. The plot revolves around Maria, the train conductor who has lived in this world for 94 years, and the various experiences she and her fellow passengers encounter aboard the train, where rose petals are scattered all over. Like the characters in the play, who yearn for happiness that never seems to arrive, they too can only hope and wait as the petals fall, reminiscent of the perpetual anticipation of an elusive happiness…
As the train sets off and Maria checks tickets, each passenger’s story unfolds: Who are they? Where do they come from? Where are they heading?
Amidst the sudden emergency brake, passengers panic… What has happened? Can the train continue its journey? Will the train, bound for happiness, ultimately reach its destination of happiness…
Category |
Prices |
Educators / Disabled / Seniors > 60 / Students |
Early Bird Promo (Ends 24 March) |
RM 88 |
N/A |
Regular |
RM 98 |
5% off |
RM 128 |
N/A |
Buy Tickets
Online Purchase: https://www.cloudjoi.com
No phone sales and over the counter sales. E-tickets only.
WhatsApp +6012 8546 576
Concession: 5% of Standard Price, RM98 (Educators / Disabled / Seniors > 60 / Students) - only applicable for standard seats. Please WhatsApp us at +6012 8546 576 with the necessary details (name, student’s ID / IC, school name & department, phone and email for verification).
Age limit: Recommended for 16 years old and above. Parental guidance is advised.
Advisory: The show contains mature content.
No Entry: Once the show starts.
Remark: Free Seating.
Please take note for your safety and comfort:
1. Please be punctual. Latecomers will not be admitted. 因演出的特殊需要,演出将准点开始,迟到者一律不让入场。
2. The show duration is 120 minutes with NO INTERMISSION. Patrons are advised to go to the washroom before the show begins. 演出时长约120分钟(无中场休息),建议演出前上洗手间。
3. The show contains mature content. Parental guidance is advised. 演出含有成人内容,未成年观众需成人随同观剧。
4. STRONG LIGHTING and HAZE effects will be used. For safety reasons, pregnant women, elderly individuals, and those with health issues should enter with caution. 演出过程中将使用强光及烟雾等效果,孕妇、老人及身体不适者应谨慎入场。
5. Not recommended for audience under the age of 15, as exiting during the show will be challenging due to the unique setup. The organiser is not liable for personal incidents. 此剧不建议15岁以下观众购票入场,演出时更不建议中途离场。因自身原因遭受的意外,演出方概不负责。
6. During the performance, actors will interact closely with the audience. Please refrain from touching or harming the actors. Legal responsibility will be incurred for any injuries caused to the actors. 演员会在演出过程中近距离靠近观众,观众切勿触碰或伤害演员,若造成演员受伤,需负法律责任。
Three Sisters Creative & Production Team
总制作人 General Producer: 颜永祯 Easee Gan
总导演 Chief Director: 颜永祺 Deric Gan
社长 President: 蓝念佳 Noelle Nah
制作人 Producer: 蓝念佳 Noelle Nah
制作人 Producer: 陈桂利 Gary Ting
原著 Original Author: 安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫 (俄罗斯) Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (Russia)
剧本改编 Script Adapter: 颜永祺 Deric Gan
导演 Director: 郑羽萍 Paige Chan
执行导演 Executive Director: 蓝念佳 Noelle Nah
表演指导 Acting Coach: 郑羽萍 Paige Chan
形体指导 Movement Coach: 蓝念佳 Noelle Nah
形体指导 Movement Coach: 陈桂利 Gary Ting
声乐指导 Vocal Coach: 杜雪菱 Tor Shir Ling
舞美总设计 Set Designer: 颜永祺 Deric Gan
舞美设计 Set Designer: 陈桂利 Gary Ting
舞美设计 Set Designer: 谭东海 Nicky Tham
灯光设计 Lighting Designer: 爱美丽亚 Amelia Tan
服装设计 Costume Designer: 黄丽玲 Leng Lagenda
手风琴演奏者 Accordion Performer: 张灵知 Chong Ling Zhi
音乐创作 Music Composer: 杜雪菱 Tor Shir Ling
音效设计 Sound Designer: 叶冠森 Sam Yap
音响工程师 Sound Engineer: 陈嘉健 JJ Tan
平面设计 Graphic Designer: 黄志杰 Jiet Wong
舞台监督指导 Stage Management Advisor: 李佳静 Catherine Lee
舞台监督 Stage Manager: 杨蕙嫔 Jacqueline Yang
助理舞监 Assistant Stage Manager: 叶冠森 Sam Yap
灯光执行 Lighting Operator: 吴燕宏 Goh Yen Hoang
音响系统执行 Assistant Sound Engineer: 郭明净 Kok Ming Jing
道具制作 Props Assistant: 谢依秀 Chia Yi Xiu
道具制作 Props Assistant: 田茗瑶 Chin Ming You
剧场字幕 Theatre Captioner: 黄苑妮 Wong Yuen Ni
Cast 演员阵容:
杜雪菱 Tor Shir Ling as 列车长 Train Conductor
雷凯欣 Lui Khai Shin as 奥尔嘉 Olga
叶诗龄 Shireen Yap as 玛莎 Masha
蔡忆恩 Yi Ern as 伊丽娜 Irina
陈桂利 Gary Ting as 安德烈 Andrei
谢政伟 Wallance Chia as 娜塔莎 Natasha
温骏业 Won Jun Yap as 库雷金 Kulygin, 瓦西里 Vassily
张骏杰 Teo Chong Chiek as 韦尔希宁 Vershinin, 尼古拉 Nicolai
徐靖仪 Jean Chee as 妮娜 Nina
纪晨 Vyan Tan as 康斯坦丁 Konstantin
杨忆瑶 Evelyn Yong as 柳苞芙 Lyubov
严子豪 Godfrey Yom as 罗巴辛 Lopakhin
李振权 Lee Chin Kuan as 万尼亚 Vanya
许凤 Kinsley Hii Fong as 索尼亚 Sonya
禮彦 Lianne Tan as 安娜 Anna
Special Appearance 特邀演出:
张灵知 Chong Ling-Zi as 流浪艺人 Itinerant musician
李一 CK Lee as 列维坦 Levitan
廖海颖 Valerie Liew as 玛丽亚 Maria
除了定期举办线下实体的社内汇报演出日,伴调子剧社也在2024年3月,第一次举办了线上的汇报演出日与台词训练课,总共有超过 100 位戏剧爱好者一同参与。未来伴调子剧社会继续在马来西亚推广、普及戏剧文化,让更多人有机会走进剧场、体验剧场的魅力。
Introduction to Luminous Theatre
Established in Malaysia in 2023, Luminous Theatre 伴调子剧社 is a non-professional theatre group. The name "Ban Diao Zi" in Chinese signifies their commitment to staying true to their original intentions despite not having formal training. They aim to accompany each other, maintaining a steady pace, continuously pushing boundaries, and pursuing their dreams. Starting with just 2 members initially, the society has now grown to include 20 members, with the number steadily increasing.
In addition to hosting regular offline performances within the society, in March 2024, Luminous Theatre organised its first online script training class, with over 100 drama enthusiasts participating. In the future, the society aims to continue promoting and popularising theatre culture in Malaysia, providing more opportunities for people to step into the theatre and experience its charm.