

Time8:00PM, 3:00PM


Duration: 75 minutes with 10 minutes intermission

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Jul 2024

8:00PM (GMT+8)



Jul 2024

3:00PM (GMT+8)

8:00PM (GMT+8)



Jul 2024

3:00PM (GMT+8)


DiAbolution创办人兼艺术总监马政文主催,26-28.07.2024 Damansara Performing Arts Centre 进行一连4场扯铃剧场《THE EVOLUTION》。透过扯铃表演的呈现,让观众更了解马来西亚扯铃表演艺术,以及扯铃表演艺术者于对于扯铃的执着与坚持。无论你对扯铃有热忱,对扯铃文化感兴趣,还是对剧场演出有兴趣,DiAbolution诚意邀请你来到现场欣赏这场结合惊喜和感官的视觉飨宴, 支持并见证我们的新突破与创新发展。

Produced by DiAbolution's founder and artistic director, Ryn Mah, we will be presenting diabolo theatre production ‘THE EVOLUTION’ at Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC) on 26th-28th July 2024. Through diabolo performance, we hope to let the audience know more about Malaysia's diabolo performing arts, as well as the persistence and perseverance of diabolo artists. Whether you are passionate or interested in the culture of diabolo, or if you are interested in theatrical performances, DiAbolution sincerely invites you to come and enjoy a visual feast full of surprises and astonishing scenes, as well as to support and witness our new breakthroughs and innovative developments.

DiAbolution为本土推广扯铃民艺活动与表演艺术的为旨的团队之一,由艺术总监马政文带领扯铃团员成立于2018年成立,以推广马来西亚扯铃表演文化与艺术为宗旨与主轴。在过去的几年里,Diabolution参与多项本土与海外活动,以扯铃表演为主,把这项艺术推广至更多的观众。DiAbolution 致力于在扯铃表演艺术文化中加入各种元素,以加深观众对扯铃表演的了解和可能性,以及消除对扯铃的刻板印象。

DiAbolution is one of the local troupe that aims to promote diabolo in traditional culture and performing arts. The team was established in year 2018, led by artistic director Ryn Mah with the vision and mission of promoting Malaysia diabolo performing art and culture. In the past few years, Diabolution has participated in many events local and abroad, focusing on diabolo performances, to promote stage art to a wider range of audience. DiAbolution is committed to blend various elements into the art culture of diabolo to deepen the audience's understanding and possibilities of diabolo performances, and to eliminate the stereotypes of diabolo.

2019年,我们制作了马来西亚首个本土的扯铃剧场《铃 艺》,围绕在述说大马扯铃表演艺术者与扯铃的关系;除了传统扯铃表演方式,更融入了现代元素及更多可能性的演绎。

In 2019, we produced Malaysia’s first local diabolo theatre ‘DiAbolution 0.1’, revolving around the relationship between Malaysian diabolo performing artists and diabolo. Besides traditional diabolo performances, it also incorporated modern elements and showed more possibilities in performing interpretation.

近年来DiAbolution也活跃参与各大艺术节与演出活动,如:2022 Astro Ü 虎加把劲迎春接福大庆典,202237届全国华人文化节,2023新加坡华艺节2023 森那美基金会艺术节,2023 雪州新村ing博览会2024澳门上葡京新春演出,2024 DPAC春雷动,2024文冬艺术节等。

In recent years, DiAbolution has actively participated in major art festivals and performances, including: 2022 Astro ÜHuu CNY Countdown Gala, 2022 The 37th National Chinese Culture Festival, 2023 Singapore Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts, 2023 Yayasan Sime Darby Arts Festiva, 2023 Selangor New Village ING Fest, 2024 Macau Grand Lisboa CNY Performance, 2024 DPAC Spring Fest, 2024 Janda Baik Festival, etc.

THE EVOLUTION》结合了DiAbolution在近年间所创作的作品,其中包括《侠》、《饕食馆》、《弦》和《魂》。从古风汉元素到带有未来感的赛博朋克风,服装与音乐上都为大家带来不一样的视觉与听觉风格。道具也结合了自家研发的灯光道具组,融入了科技为大家带来不一样的视觉体验。与此同时结合高超的扯铃技术,带领观众进入一个以扯铃为主轴的剧场世界。

‘THE EVOLUTION’ combines DiAbolution's recent works, including ‘The Knight, ‘Gourmet Restaurant’, ‘Strings’ and ‘Immortal’. From ancient Chinese elements to futuristic cyberpunk style, the costumes and music bring a different visual and auditory enjoyment to the audience. Combining with diabolo light prop sets developed by the artistic director, integrating technology to bring everyone a unique immersive experience. At the same time, bu combining with superb virtuosic diabolo skills, it leads audience into a theatre world with the evolution of diabolo.

《侠》’The Knight’



Where there is light reaches, shadows emerge. Where the shadow lingers, sunshine brighten the far side. The contrast between light and shadow reflects the true self of a knight.

With the theme of ancient chivalry, combined with the powerful epic Chinese orchestra music, presents a mentality, behaviour and ideology under harsh environment. The knight is always persistence, forever pursing his persistent desires. ‘The Knight’ was the first piece created after the pandemic; with reflection, shadow, and dawn as the main axis of artistic conception, it has become a mentality to breakdown the harsh environment and overthrow the corrupt phenomenon.




With strings as chords, diabolo as melody. When even a thousand words can never fully tell a story. Between the spinning axles and melody from the strings, begin a search of resonance.

A contemporary work when diabolo meets dance, bounced between palms and fingers, creating harmonious melodies. Taking advantage of theatre, a scene between fantasy and reality is created; through the body language of dance, the story of a diabolo artist is told.

《饕食馆》‘Gourmet Restaurant’



The restaurant is officially open for business. We welcome everyone to have a taste of our freshly cooked, diabolicious dishes. Inspired by Chinese master chefs, apart from using just sticks and strings to play the diabolo, we use various kitchen utensils and equipment as props to incorporate diabolo movements. Putting aside the serious performance style usually seen in diabolo performances, we present it in a fun and relaxed way with black humour. You will see knife skills, roasting, and cooking methods presented on stage. Interactive elements are added along, where you are welcome to immersed and participate in it.




When the universe collapses and the end of the world is near, at the end of this world, there is a group of people in the ancient East who holds on to the traditions and culture, passed down from generations, keeping an unyielding soul igniting the flames of hope in the darkness.

With the theme of Chinese cyberpunk style, this will be an extremely pleasant surprise for everyone. With our self-developed light diabolo props and costumes, combined with electronic music style, we bring you not only the skills of traditional diabolo, but also a contemporary elevating stage performing style.. Between creative transformation and innovative development, we kept our original intention; never forget, never give up, never die.

Produced by 制作单位 : Diabolution Production

Artistic Producer & Director艺术与制作总监:Ryn Mah 马政文

Creative Producer & Director创意与制作总监:Anjoey Chong 张婉凌


Diabolo Artists / 扯铃演出:

Bryan Ho何汇忠

Chloe Yap ⁠叶佳宜

Edgar Liew刘鸿志

Jayson Lim林杰圣

Jc 林嘉成

Kwang Qin Tien关景恬

Lee Yong Sheng李雍胜

Loke Min You骆民祐

Sam Wei Li覃韦历

Shawn Tan陈文轩

Tan Zhu Hong陈柱宏

Wayne Ho何伟豪

Ye Xiang林业翔  

Photo credit to Chrome, Chan Kian Ming, Chew Seng Cheong Photography, Goh Bong Hiang,

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