预算。爱 Love Budget
Duration: 75 minutes
Seating: Free Seating
RM68.00, RM88.00
Additional Fee Applies
Duration: 75 minutes
Seating: Free Seating
若爱是一种数目, 那还是【爱情】吗?
Performers & Creatives
《预算。爱》 十年之后,爱情依然有代价!
2014年,《First Love之 预算。爱》舞台剧首度登场即以最真实的爱情故事与观众产生共鸣,频频跟着剧情的情绪起伏而大笑与感动,演员们精湛的演出更让所有人都拍手叫好,喝彩声连连!
由W Prodcutions制作,制作人William叶伟良当年对于《预算。爱》舞台剧的感受,依然无法挥去十年前在舞台上看过的版本,决定与编导Dickson蔡迪伸携手制作呈献,力邀当年出色表演的男主角 Swei 洪祥威与女主角Penny伍沛如再度聚首,以更成熟的心智来诠释《预算。爱》这对情侣的角色,势必会让你在大笑之余,还会将自己的爱情处境投射在《预算。爱》舞台剧的故事里,必定是情侣最好的拍拖圣地,也绝对适合单身男女约好三五知己一起去经历一场”数字爱情:统计简报“的演出,其实真的相当过瘾!
《Budget. Love》— A Decade Later, Love Still Comes with a Price
In 2014, the stage play First Love: Budget. Love made its debut, striking a deep chord with audiences through its raw and relatable portrayal of love. Laughter and tears flowed in sync with the story’s emotional highs and lows, while the cast’s captivating performances earned thunderous applause and standing ovations.
Now, in 2025, director Dickson Chai breathes new life into this beloved tale, weaving a decade’s worth of personal love stories and experiences into an all-new, upgraded version of Budget. Love. This time, the play doesn’t just challenge our perception of romance—it forces us to confront our own relationships, tally the costs of love’s investments, and step into the unpredictable yet irresistible "paradise of love."
Produced by W Productions, producer William Yap was so deeply moved by the original Budget. Love a decade ago that he knew he had to bring it back. Joining forces once again with director Dickson Chai, they reunite the original leading duo—Swei Ang and Penny Ng—who return with a decade of maturity, ready to breathe new depth into their iconic roles. This revival promises not just laughter, but a mirror to our own love stories, making it the ultimate date-night experience for couples and a thrilling night out for singles and friends alike—because watching a "numerical romance: statistical report" unfold on stage is far more exhilarating than it sounds!
And that’s not all—award-winning composer and Golden Horse recipient Keon Jia Wang, the mastermind behind the original soundtrack a decade ago, is back! Not only is he crafting a brand-new theme song for Budget. Love, but he’s also reworking multiple tracks to modernize the sound and heighten the play’s emotional impact. Expect a richer, deeper, and more heart-wrenching musical experience—one that will make you feel every ounce of love’s joy, turmoil, and unpredictability.
Ten years later, are you ready to recalculate the cost of love?
《预算。爱》Love Budget
📅 24 April 2025 (Thurs), 8.30pm
📅 25 April 2025 (Fri), 8.30pm
📅 26 April 2025 (Sat), 3.00pm
📅 26 April 2025 (Sat), 8.30pm
📅 27 April 2025 (Sun), 3.00pm
📅 27 April 2025 (Sun), 8.30pm
📍 Black Box, Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC)
🎟️ 早早预算票 Early Bird : RM68 (14 Feb - 14 March 2025,每场只限20张,卖完为止)
🎟️ 标准爱情票 Standard : RM88 (15 March - 27 April 2025)
#预算爱 #舞台剧 #Dickson蔡迪伸 #Swei洪祥威 #Penny伍沛如 #DPAC #WProductions #supportlocalshows
- 制作人:William 叶伟良
- 编导:Dickson 蔡迪伸
- 原创主题曲创作人:Dickson 蔡迪伸
- 原创配乐制作人:佳旺 & Dickson 蔡迪伸
- 灯光设计与执行:林伟星
- 音乐与投影执行:思洁
- 舞台与字幕执行:紫予
- 海报设计:紫予
- 宣传:William 叶伟良
- 前台:William 叶伟良、Dickson 蔡迪伸
- 演员:Swei 洪祥威、Penny 伍沛如