Hong Kong Comedy Fiesta 香港棟篤爆笑會
Duration: 150 minutes with intermission (15 minutes)
Doors Open: 30 minutes before the show
Seating: Numbered Seating
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Recommended for: 16 years old and above
RM78.00, RM88.00, RM108.00, RM128.00, RM148.00
All Fees Included
RM78.00, RM88.00, RM108.00, RM128.00, RM148.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 150 minutes with intermission (15 minutes)
Doors Open: 30 minutes before the show
Seating: Numbered Seating
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Recommended for: 16 years old and above
Hong Kong Comedy Fiesta 《香港棟篤爆笑會》
Sep 2024
8:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
《香港棟篤爆笑會》一次過讓你爽看兩個來自香港不同主題的脫口秀,這種爽到爆的體驗,即時你的粵語講得“唔鹹唔淡”,只要略懂粵語就一定讓你笑爆肚子!粵語的好玩就是那麽直接爽快,必定讓妳爆笑爽到爆!重點是這次受邀前來馬來西亞表演的兩位演員- Vivek (阿V)與Tim Chan 陳樂添都是在香港擲地有聲的棟篤笑佼佼者,除了場場爆滿之外,還常常受邀到不同國家表演,非常具有國際喜劇演員的範兒。他們講的內容也非常符合當下大環境的趨勢,再加上自己的親身感受,必定讓妳捧腹大笑之余還可以得到共鳴,再加上兩位優秀的本地脫口秀演員- 周若鵬與Jerome侯立康擔當開場嘉賓,非常值得你約定親朋好友一起來度過一個零壓力的周六夜晚!趕緊來搶票啦!
- 日期: 28 Sept 2024 (Saturday)
- 時間:8pm
- 地點: PJLA, Jaya One, Petaling Jaya
- 票價:CAT 1- MYR 148 / CAT 2- MYR 128 / CAT 3- MYR 108 / CAT 4- MYR 88 / CAT 5- MYR 78 (限量早鳥票已經開始發售,先買先得,賣完為止)
- 上半場:Tim Chan《陳樂添2024世界巡迴棟篤笑-條路自己揀》開場嘉賓:周若鵬
- 中場休息(15分鐘)
- 下半場:阿V Vivek Mahbubani《印度佬廣東話騷》開場嘉賓:Jerome侯立康
p/s: 真的只有一場,而且還是一張票看兩場棟篤笑,太值得了!
Get ready to laugh your socks off with not one, but TWO side-splitting stand-up shows straight from Hong Kong! Even if your Cantonese is "a bit meh," as long as you get the basics, you’ll be rolling in the aisles! The sheer fun of Cantonese comedy is its no-holds-barred, gut-busting directness—it’s like a laughter explosion!
We’ve got two of Hong Kong’s comedic heavyweights: Vivek (aka Ah V) and Tim Chan, who sell out every show and get invited to perform around the globe. They’re international comedy superstars who blend current trends with their own hilarious experiences, ensuring you’ll be doubled over in laughter while nodding in agreement. This is THE perfect zero-pressure Saturday night out with friends and family!
And if that wasn’t enough, our own sizzling Malaysian comedians Jerome How and Zhou Ruopeng will kick things off with their own brand of hilarity. You really can't say no to this once-in-a-lifetime Hong Kong Comedy Fiesta! Get your tickets now!
- Date: 28 Sept 2024 (Saturday)
- Time:8pm
- Venue: PJLA, Jaya One, Petaling Jaya
- Ticket Price:CAT 1- MYR 148 / CAT 2- MYR 128 / CAT 3- MYR 108 / CAT 4- MYR 88 / CAT 5- MYR 78 (Limited EARLY BIRD tickets up for grabs! First come, first served)
Show Rundown:
- First Half:Tim Chan《Choose My Own Road》Opening act: Zhou Ruopeng
- Intermission (15 minutes)
- Second Half:阿V Vivek Mahbubani《100% Cantonese Comedy》Opening act: Jerome How
P.S. Seriously, there's only one show, and you get two stand-up acts with just one ticket. It’s a total steal!
阿V Vivek Mahbubani《印度佬廣東話騷》
- Vivek是能操流利廣東話及英語的棟篤笑表演者。
- 2007年全港廣東話棟篤笑冠軍,於2008年再下一城奪取全港英文棟篤笑冠軍。他亦於2018年獲選「香港十大傑出青年」。
- Vivek曾代表香港在世界各地留下他的棟篤笑腳毛。
Tim Chan《陳樂添2024世界巡迴棟篤笑-條路自己揀》
- 2024巡迴黎喇,全新內容,全球好多站!
- 響巡迴期間見到唔同地方既衝擊,呢個騷就係帶個衝擊比大家。究竟阿Tim有冇成長到?一個人響外地做廣東話棟篤笑係點?每個地方有咩最怪既事?仲有同一世界既香港人又係點?最後既係阿Tim揀左條路,佢會唔會喊呢?入場用棟篤笑話妳知。
- 曾獲2011年全港棟篤笑比賽冠軍、2017年擔任TEDxYouth 講者、香港爆笑節創辦人之一
- 近期在全球各城市進行巡回棟篤笑(墨爾本、雪梨、愛丁堡、曼城、倫敦、紐約、台灣、澳門等等)
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