
[企业加马:AI转型,要会用才行!] Unlocking Business Potential: Thrive with AI

JooY Media


Time10am - 4pm




Doors Open: 60 minutes before the show

Recommended for: 18 years old and above

This show has ended.



All Fees Included





Apr 2024

10:00AM (GMT+8)

Limited 100 Early Bird Tickets available only until March 31st.


根据一项调查显示,超过半数的大马人认为 AI 利多于弊,享受 AI 带来的便利和改善目前的生活。早前,NVIDIA更是宣布计划在马来西亚打造价值43亿美元的AI数据中心。马来西亚的 AI 时代已开始崛起,但你准备好了吗?

为了帮助中小企业更好地拥抱智能化时代,由著名企业主持人小马发起的【企业加马:AI转型,要会用才行!】一日学将于2024年4月24日,在大马国际金融中心的Menara AFFIN@TRX举行。


  • 刘哲涵博士(ACCIO大数据中心总裁)
  • 周添健博士(马大软件工程系副教授)
  • 孙德俊(Antsomi联合创办人|科技评论人)
  • 许子仁(人工智能机器学习专家)

【企业加马:AI转型,要会用才行!】由JooY Media主办、ScanArt Distribution主要赞助、AFFIN BANK提供场地,旨在帮助企业解决痛点的同时,也希望让更多创业者学习新技能,因为唯有不断与时并进,才能迎战未知的未来。


“Unlocking Business Potential: Thrive with AI” Learning Conference

According to recent surveys, over half of Malaysians believe that the benefits of AI outweigh its drawbacks, enjoying the convenience it brings and witnessing an enhancement in their quality of life.

Recently, NVIDIA unveiled plans to establish a $4.3 billion AI data center in Malaysia, signaling the dawn of the AI era in the country. But are you prepared to keep pace with this rapid evolution?

To aid SMEs in seamlessly integrating into this era of intelligence, renowned host Xiao Ma has spearheaded the "Unlocking Business Potential: Thrive with AI" Learning Conference, slated for April 24, 2024, at Menara AFFIN @ TRX in Kuala Lumpur.

This dynamic conference will showcase top AI experts who will delve into the latest AI trends and applications from both macro and enterprise perspectives, offering practical AI techniques and tools to address business challenges and drive sustainable innovation and growth. Our esteemed speakers include:

  • Dr. Lau Cher Han, CEO of ACCIO Technologies
  • Dr. Chiew Thiam Kian, Associate Professor at University of Malaya
  • Serm Teck Choon, Co-Founder of Antsomi and a technology commentator
  • Shee Tze Jin, AI & Machine Learning Specialist at Taylor’s University

The event's goal is not only to assist businesses in problem-solving but also to empower more entrepreneurs with new skills. After all, only by continuously adapting to the times can we confidently confront the uncertainties of the future.

Join us and embark on a transformative journey into the era of intelligence!

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