

Village Vision Community Togetherness Coalition 新新村社區聯盟


Date6, 7, 13 November 2021

Time2.00pm - 5.30pm

LanguageEnglish, Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia


Duration: 180 - 200 minutes

This show has ended.



All Fees Included

In 2021, Village Vision Community Togetherness Coalition and Taipei Economic And Cultural Office in Malaysia jointly organized “Taiwan-Malaysia Community Building Masterclass - Community Movement and Civil Practice” Online Exhibition ( The exhibition utilizes timelines to present the important dates and significant historical events of community building in Taiwan and Malaysia. To create a space for deeper conversation, the program was extended to an online forum and documentary screening with experience sharing and conversations among community builders from Taiwan and Malaysia.

《社區運動與民間實踐》台馬社造特展 ——






Nov 2021

2:00PM (GMT+8)




Nov 2021

2:00PM (GMT+8)




Nov 2021

2:00PM (GMT+8)



6 Nov 2021 (Saturday) 2.00PM - 5.30PM

  • Survival Guide for Radioactive Village 《輻射村生存手冊》
  • How are you, Gongliao? 《貢寮你好嗎?》

Live sharing session 映後座談 -

  • Moderator 主持人 :Xiang Jia-Hong 向家弘
  • Panelist 與談人:Liew Seng Tat 劉成達、Tsui Shu-hsin 崔愫欣 
  • **Sharing session will be conducted in Mandarin 映後座談將以中文進行*

7 Nov 2021 (Sunday) 2.00PM - 5.30PM

  • Unlocking Bengoh
  • Save Sarawak. Stop the Dams
  • Coming Home《回家》

Live sharing session 映後座談 -

  • Moderator 主持人 :Usen 梁友瑄
  • Panelist 與談人:Lawai 廖天才、Huang Shu Mei 黃淑梅
  • **sharing session will be conducted in Mandarin 映後座談將以中文進行**

13 Nov 2021 (Saturday) 2.00PM - 5.30PM

  • Voyage to Terengganu 《海城游記》
  • Small Oyster Rock in Kezailiao 《蚵子寮漁村紀事》

Live sharing session 映後座談 -

  • Moderator 主持人 :Dr. Andrew Loo 盧芳全、CK 陳子健
  • Panelist 與談人:Amir Muhammad 阿米爾·穆罕默德、Foo Fei-ling 傅慧齡、Yu Chia Jung 余嘉榮
  • **sharing session will be conducted in Mandarin & English 映後座談將以中英文進行**



Survival Guide for Radioactive Village 《輻射村生存手冊》

2011|40 min|Subtitle 字幕:English & Chinese 中英文|Director 導演:Yeo Joon Han 楊俊漢, Tan Chui Mui 陳翠梅, Liew Seng Tat 劉城達,  Woo Ming Jin 胡明進

  • Of all filmmakers in Southeast Asia, the Malaysians may be the least politically committed, but that is changing rapidly. They are also maintaining their sense of humour. A factory that processes rare-earth metals (with radioactive effects) threatens the surroundings on the coast of eastern Malaysia.
  • 三部荒謬喜劇和一個不平凡生命的吉光片羽: 四個來頭不小的大馬導演——《愛的饗宴》胡明進、《歡迎光臨輻射村》劉城達、《油鬼》楊俊漢、《黎群的愛》陳翠梅,決定用非一般的創意,來引起公眾對輻射課題的關註。
  • 反對輻射,反對汙染,刻不容緩!

How are you, Gongliao? 《貢寮你好嗎?》

2004|89min|Subtitle 字幕:English 英文|Director 導演: Tsui Shu-hsin 崔愫欣

  • This film documents how the residents in Kong-liao, a picturesque fishing town,have been fighting against a nuclear plant intruding their beautiful hometown since 1988, the year when they established a community anti-nuclear plant club.It has been a bitter long journey in the past 16 years. However,the switch of governing power forced  another political storm of changing nuclear policy. It was in effect a torture for the Kong-liao people. Who would have known the stories behind the beautiful coastal line?
  • 導演崔愫欣是全片的旁述,開首她以「你好嗎?」點出兩個主體-貢寮及林順源。1991年10月3日,在一次混亂的反核示威中,林意外開車撞死了一名警察。林後來被控蓄意殺人並被判無期徒刑。當時林只廿六歲,剛從自願參軍退役,並計劃在漁船營生,這事最後當然沒有發生。 當日他參與示威,其實是在等待漁民證件期間,探望住在貢寮的朋友。很多居民對他的判刑非常抱歉及羞愧,崔愫欣在拍攝居民對林被判罪的感受的同時,捕捉了他們對反核運動的投入。跟林順源一樣,貢寮人在核四的決策過程中,亦成為了犧牲品。

Unlocking Bengoh 

2016|25min|Subtitle 字幕:English 英文|Director 導演:Nova Goh 吳康豪

  • Simo Sekam, Peluk Apeh and Sagen Adan’s families had lived in Sarawak’s Bengoh valley for generations until recently, when they were forced to leave their ancestral home to make way for the Bengoh reservoir dam. This story follows the director’s journey as he discovers the true cost of relocation that these families have to endure in the name of development.
  • 「Unlocking Bengoh」講述的是砂拉越文莪上游比達友村民因一項水壩建設工程,村民迫搬遷至重置區,唯部分村民在Simo Sekam的率領之下,堅持捍衛世世代代的原住民習俗地。在非政府組織和律師團隊的協助下,2014年12月18日,Simo Sekam 和村民爭取原住民習俗地勝利,繼續留守在美麗的山林家園,展開新的生活。當年因各因素而選擇接受賠償並放棄原住民習俗地的村民,則在重置區過著不如預想版美好的生活。兩種選擇導向兩種不同的結果。導演吳康豪與製作團隊(Asbury Bendy, Engelbert Chong, Evangeline Thian)以紀實攝錄,為你述說這一個真實故事。

Save Sarawak. Stop the Dams

2013|21min|Subtitle 字幕:English 英文|Director 導演:Linus Chung

  • The indigenous peoples of Sarawak, a Malaysian state on the island of Borneo, have been struggling to defend their culture, forests and lands against a series of mega-dams. They have been confronting the government as well as local and international companies and the international hydropower lobby group "International Hydropower Association" with the consequences of their corruption and profit driven mega-project. Watch the birth and growth of an inspiring movement for justice and the environment in this documentary by Linus Chung.
  • 位於婆羅洲馬來西亞州屬砂勞越的原住民為了捍衛自身的文化,居住的神林及土地與一系列的巨型水壩計畫進行對抗。他們面對的不只是政府,而是國內外的集團,國際水電工程遊說組織以及承受這些利益為先的腐敗項目帶來的後果。從Linus Chung這部紀錄片中,可以看見正義與環境運動的誕生,還有啟發人心的成長。

Coming Home《回家》

2018|99min|Subtitle 字幕:English 英文|Director 導演:Huang Shu Mei 黃淑梅

  • “Coming Home” documents the journey of a few middle-aged characters from the Paiwan and Lukai tribe back to their native land in Taiwan’s Pingtung county, providing an environment conducive for tribal culture education to the children studying language and teenagers undergoing character building by ways of mutual support and self-learning.
  • Besides documenting their effort in preserving the indigenous cultures the film also reminded us from the education aspect, the importance of cultural heritage. A discourse on the autonomy of education among the indigenous tribes in Taiwan, it presents the sincerest feeling of the indigenous people for their native land.
  • They return to their homeland and learn from the mountain and the river to raise their next generation. The guardianship of the ancestral spirit will keep the children company, tenderly but afar, like the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.
  • 《回家》以屏東縣境內的幾位排灣族、魯凱族中生代為主角,記錄他們回到原生部落,以互助托育、自學的方式,給正在學習語言的幼兒,以及正在成長中型塑人格的青少年,提供一個蘊含部落文化的教育環境。
  • 這部片所記錄的不只是這群原住民為文化保存所做的努力,更從教育的層面提醒我們文化傳承的重要性。探討臺灣原住民部落教育自主的議題,也展現部落的人們對於原鄉土地的真誠感情。

 Voyage to Terengganu《海城游記》

2016|62min|Subtitle 字幕:English & Chinese 中英文|Director 導演:Amir Muhammad, Badrul Hisham Ismail

  • Terengganu was the only one of the thirteen Malaysian states which filmmaker/writer Amir Muhammad had never visited. And so he decided, together with his locally raised colleague Badrul Hisham Ismail, to shoot a film there. As a basis for their impressionist, occasionally even surrealist documentary, they used the book Voyage to Kelantan (1838) by Munshi Abdullah (1796-1854). This controversial writer only spent one day in the Sultanate of Terengganu, but that was nevertheless enough for a furious tale about the local population, and especially the men. They were alleged to be lazy and violent. Voyage to Terengganu contrasts Abdullah’s statements with the everyday reality of today. Disregarding the state’s natural and architectural beauty, Muhammed and Ismail train their camera on several local men, who in brief interviews talk open-heartedly about their culture, their faith, their worries about financial security and the privileges of being a man.
  • 登嘉樓是馬來西亞十三個州屬中唯一一個電影製片人/作家阿米爾·穆罕默德從未訪問過的州屬。 因此,他決定與在當地長大的同事巴德魯爾·希沙姆·伊斯梅爾到那裏拍一部片子。作為印象派,有時甚至是超現實主義紀錄片的基礎,他們使用了孟希·阿蔔杜拉(1796-1854)的《吉蘭丹之旅》(1838 年)一書。這位頗受爭議的作家只在登嘉樓蘇丹國呆了一天,但以足以述說關於當地居民,尤其是男人的狂暴故事。當地男人常被指控為懶惰和暴力。《登嘉樓之旅》(又譯《海城游記》)將孟希的言論與當今的日常現實進行對比。不顧該州的自然和建築之美,阿米爾和巴德魯爾將鏡頭對準幾位當地人,在簡短的采訪中坦誠地談論了他們的文化、信仰、對經濟穩定的擔憂以及作為男人的特權。

Small Oyster Rock in Kezailiao《蚵子寮漁村紀事》

2015|90min|Subtitle 字幕:English & Chinese 中英文|Director 導演: Shih Ho-feng 施合峰

  • Kezailiao is a tiny fishing village next to the 17th provincial road. The serious population outflow is caused by the drastic drop of fish catch and the destruction of the natural landscape. In 2012, a group of villagers and youngsters organized Small Oyster Rock in Kezailiao which was a music festival and an experiment of social cohesion; the multigenerational cooperation among the villagers fostered by the love for their home created a miraculous music festival. This film documented the whole process of organizing the 2nd edition in 2014, from its planning to the final curtain call. Though the event had ended, Small Oyster Rock in Kezailiao had sparked a community cohesion that started to transform the early efforts to meaningful changes.
  • 蚵子寮,台十七省道旁一個不起眼的小漁村。由於漁獲量銳減及自然景觀破壞,人口外流嚴重。2012年,一群蚵子寮鄉親與在地青年聯手舉辦「蚵寮漁村小搖滾」。它是一場音樂祭,更是一次社區凝聚的過程:漁村老中青三代合作,憑藉對故鄉的愛,打造出一場奇蹟的音樂會。本片完整記錄2014年第二屆音樂祭從籌劃到謝幕的經過。活動終有結束的一刻,但因小搖滾匯聚起來的社區,正開始要讓當初那些努力化為實質轉變。

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