粵韻百年.弦歌不絶-廣東音樂專場 Everlasting Cantonese Music - Treasure from a Century
Language: Mandarin, Cantonese
Category: Concert
Duration: 95-minute show including a 15-minute intermission
Doors Open: 15 minutes before the show
Seating: Numbered Seating
RM68.00, RM88.00, RM98.00, RM118.00
Additional Fee Applies
Duration: 95-minute show including a 15-minute intermission
Doors Open: 15 minutes before the show
Seating: Numbered Seating
Apr 2025
继2023 年成功举办联合演奏会后,马来西亚世纪华乐团与香港竹韵小集再度携手呈献—《粤韵百年.弦歌不绝-广东音乐专场》!本次音乐会还特别邀请了来自怡保近打谷室内华乐团及吉隆坡广东曲艺团,共同为您带来一场仅此一夜的精彩演出。演出内容涵盖合奏、协奏及粤剧演唱,展现百年来的粤乐经典之作!
After a very successful joint concert in 2023, once again, Malaysia Century Chinese Orchestra X Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble are back and presenting you “Everlasting Cantonese Music - Treasure from a Century”. Also, featuring Kinta Valley Chinese Orchestra and Kuala Lumpur Cantonese Music & Song Art Ensemble with a one night only program full of ensemble, concerto, orchestra music and Cantonese Opera singing, showcasing a hundred years of Cantonese Music classics!
1. 廣府八音連奏 Guangfu Eight Tones 吉隆坡广东曲艺团
2. 佛門鐘鼓(潮州箏,洞簫,椰胡)Buddhist Bells & Drums 吉隆坡广东曲艺团
3. 地水南音~男燒衣 (選段)A Deeply Sorrow Man Burns Paper Clothes (Excerpt) 吉隆坡广东曲艺团 演唱者 Vocal: 楊偉鴻Yong Wee Hong
4. 近打谷室內華樂團 Kinta Valley Chinese Orchestra
指挥 Conductor: 黄伟程 Ooi Wei Chern
5. 平喉演唱~倦尋芳 (樂團伴奏)Weary of Seeking Beauty
演唱者 Vocal: 謝秀珍Chia Saw Chan
指挥 Conductor︰张凯明Chong Koi Min
1. 硬弓、軟弓與中西樂組合《娛樂升平》In Celebration of Good Time 丘鶴儔曲 竹韻小集整理
2. 軟弓五架頭《連環扣》 United We Go 雅樂名譜 嚴老烈傳譜
3. 硬弓組合《百花亭鬧酒》The Drunken Lady Yang at the Pavilion of a Hundred Flowers 小調譜 陳添壽串譜
4. 西樂組合《孔雀開屏》 The Peacock in its Full Glory 何大傻曲
5. 中西樂組合《廟街探戈》Tango in Temple Street 黃學揚曲
6. 雙二胡與樂隊《廣東音樂聯奏》 Medley of Cantonese Music Classics 胡偉立編曲
二胡 Erhu Soloists︰陈启谦 Chan Kai Him, 鄭明俊 Cheang Ming Chun
指挥 Conductor︰张凯明Chong Koi Min
7. 揚琴與樂隊《銀河雙星》 Lovers’ Reunion at the Milky Way and their Sorrow 古曲、呂文成曲 湯凱旋編曲
扬琴 Yangqin Soloist︰郭嘉莹 Kwok Ka Ying
指挥 Conductor︰司徒健 Szeto Kin
8. 合奏《俠骨柔情—顧嘉煇金曲聯奏》Romance of the Chivalrous Hero - All-time Favourites by Joseph Koo顧嘉煇曲 陳家榮編曲 指挥 Conductor︰司徒健 Szeto Kin
Age Limit: No admission for 6 years old and below.
Ticket price: