Don’t Let Hantu Know 《别让阿飘知道的事》
Date: 25–27/06/2021
Time: 8:30PM, 3:00PM
Language: Mandarin
Category: Theatre
Duration: 90 minutes
RM35.00, RM70.00, RM100.00
All Fees Included
RM35.00, RM70.00, RM100.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 90 minutes
Do you hear someone cackling? Well that’s because the “Don’t Let…” series is back again … and this time round you should be very afraid as they are out to spook you with a compilation of ghostly tales.
Performers & Creatives
Jun 2021
8:30PM (GMT+8)
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Jun 2021
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch Online
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Watch Online
Jun 2021
3:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch Online
8:30PM (GMT+8)
Watch Online
About the Production
"Boo-yah!” The #dontlet short plays series is back again with its 6th edition. This time, you should be afraid. Be very afraid.
For this edition of “Don’t Let Hantu Know”, the theatre makers are going to spook you with a compilation of ghostly tales from a zombie attack to a true life encounter with a spirit.
All in all, seven works will be presented in one show, each lasting for approximately 10 minutes. There will be music, dance, musicals and plays in English and Mandarin (Mandarin plays with English subtitles).
These online screenings under our Watch From Home or WFH@klpac banner are supported by MyCreative Ventures, Cultural Economy Development Agency and Program Penjana Malaysia. This show is also supported by Cultural Economy Development Agency, Program Penjana Malaysia, MyCreative Ventures, Beatrice Looi, Secret Fox Entertainment, Shiny Universe and Action Foundation.
由艺人馆全民剧场及木卡空间联手呈献,《别让TA知道的事》系列之《别让阿飘知道的事》即将线上惊悚上演!11位主创团队包括颜永祯、李月依、叶伟良、Zhafir Muzani、李国良、杨宏强、黄敬旭、戴铭伟、林楷宪、邓絜予及杜雪菱以灵异故事为创作方向,题材包括鬼魂、僵尸、巫术及民间禁忌,带来7部横跨戏剧、音乐、舞蹈及音乐剧的10分钟作品。演出以中文及英语为主,中文演出附英语字幕。
《别让阿飘知道的事》由马来西亚艺术经济发展机构(CENDANA)、短期经济复苏计划(PENJANA)、我的创意投资有限公司(MyCreative Ventures)、吉隆坡表演艺术中心、大阳光圆梦基金、元生基金、 Beatrice Looi及狐儿娱乐支持.
此线上放映获得 MyCreative Ventures、CENDANA 及 PENJANA的支持。
“Our first theatre and definitely enjoy it. Nice mix of variety of different performance. Good job to all. 👍 Found a new thing for date night. 🥰” — Wei Han
“It's a meaningful performance, actors perform well, I was drawn into the performance, keep it up!”
《ALMARI : Kangkang》一個馬來的現代舞,帶出在馬來社群中一種愛情降頭NASI KANGKANG。舞蹈者通過肢體語言和時而發出的吶喊聲,演活了施降頭者和被施降人的情節。舞蹈配上詭異的音樂,令人墮入了一種恐怖氛圍裡。最後的一幕有一種《畫皮》海報的感覺。喜歡!” — 西门新
Show Details
Presented by The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat & MUKA SPACE
Date & Time:
25 Jun (Fri) @8.30pm
26 Jun (Sat) @3pm & 8.30pm
27 Jun (Sun) @3pm & 8.30pm
Tickets Price:
RM35 - RM70 - RM100
(RM100: Patron of the Arts will be recognised on our website)
English and Mandarin (Mandarin plays with English Subtitles)
May Contain Mature Content (Parental guidance is advised). Play may contain disturbing content.
90 minutes
Streaming Platform:
CloudTheatre (Purchase / Viewing FAQ here)
Our losses due to Covid-19 amount to RM2 million. Due to the FMCO and our current closure, we urgently need to raise at least RM130,000 to pay our staff (who have already volunteered for 30 – 50% pay cut) and utilities for June and July 2021.
Each ticket sold goes towards keeping us afloat and to pay our staff, artistes and crew. Our losses amount close to RM2m. We have to raise another RM3.3m by Dec 2021. If you are able to, do make a donation
新冠疫情导致吉隆坡表演艺术中心及艺人馆亏损近200万令吉。因应全国实施全面封锁,吉隆坡表演艺术中心再次停摆,我们急需筹募 13万令吉以支付本中心6月及7月份的水电费及我们员工的薪资(所有员工已自愿减薪30%至50%)。《居家看演出 @ klpac》每一张票的收入将投入此疏困经费。我们欢迎任何金额的捐款,请浏览 了解赞助相关详情。感谢支持马来西亚剧场!
The Team
Executive Producer: Dato’ Dr. Faridah Merican
Artistic Director: Joe Hasham OAM
Producer: Easee Gan
Production / Stage Manager: Catherine Lee
Assistant Stage Manager / Sound Operator: Yeo Kok Wei
Lighting Designer & Operator: Mohamed Fairuz @ Boy
FOH Engineer: Mathanakumar a/l Murthi
Technician: Mohd Helmi Khairi
Subtitle Operator: Koh Xin Yu
Backstage Crew: Nabil Sufian, Samuel, Selina Yong
Host: Ruby Faye
General Manager - Marketing Communications: Ang Yue May
Senior Art Director: Joel Wong
Creative Guy: Coebar Abel
Senior Publicist: Maggie Ong
Publicist: Vishallini Vikram Gopal
Follow Us
The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre | The Actors Studio | MUKA SPACE
@theklpac | @MUKASPACE
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1. Almost Ghostly (MUSIC 音乐)
Synopsis 简介
Psycho is considered one of Hitchcock's best films and Bernard Hermann’s music set the tone for the “murder” scenes in the horror movie. The music itself is very spooky and helps build suspense for the viewer.
Phantom of the Opera is one of the most successful Broadway musical productions. The story revolves around an opera house haunted by a “phantom”. The phantom is actually a disfigured music genius who is obsessed with a soprano named Christine Daaé. Although it sounds “ghostly”, the musical is well known with its romantic love songs including famed piece “Music of the Night” which will be performed during the show.
《惊魂记》被认为是希区柯克最好的电影之一,伯纳德·赫尔曼(Bernard Hermann)所设计音乐可说是为恐怖电影的“谋杀”场景定下了基调,其诡异的音乐为观众营造出一个充满悬念的氛围里。
《歌剧魅影》是百老汇最成功的音乐作品之一,讲述一个被幽灵干扰的歌剧院。幽灵其实是一位有天赋的音乐天才,由于长相吓人,他长期戴著半边面具住在剧院的地下迷宫,他爱上了剧院的女高音克里斯汀·戴(Christine Daaé)。尽管故事诡异,《歌剧魅影》以其浪漫的爱情歌曲闻名,其中包括这一首即将被演奏的《The Music of the Night》。
Music Director / Musician 音乐总监/乐手:
Lee Kok Leong 李国良
Musicians 乐手:
Andrea Sim 沈怡贤, Sze Chiann 温世倩, Joshua Sim 沈德圣

Photos by PixArt Creation
2. The 7th Day 《头七》 (THEATRE / MANDARIN 戏剧 / 中文)
Synopsis 简介
The Chinese believe that the spirit of the deceased will return for a final visit on the seventh day of their passing. On the 7th day of Robin’s passing, Kent, who was his partner for the past 12 years, prepares a meal for him. Bryan, Kent’s current boyfriend, decides to accompany him. Suddenly, they hear a noise coming from the dining table and something happens to Bryan.
Director / Scriptwriter 导演 / 编剧
William Yap 叶伟良
Cast 演员:
Dennis Lee 李浩锋, Richard Tan 陈理查 & William Yap 叶伟良

Photos by Tony wong b
3.《线》String (MUSICAL / MANDARIN 音乐剧 / 中文)
Synopsis 简介
In the Netherworld, Meng Po stands before the Naihe Bridge to serve bowls of soup to the souls before their reincarnation. When the souls drink the soup, their past will be forgotten and a new life will begin. Not long after, a young man appears. His presence frustrated Meng Po. But, why? Will the young man be able to cross the Naihe Bridge for his reincarnation?
Director / Lyricist 导演/作词:
Tai Meng Wei 戴铭伟
Music Director / Composer 音乐总监 / 作曲:
Jacqueline Teng 邓絜予
Composer / Musician / Choreographer 作曲 / 乐手 / 编舞:
Andrew Lim 林楷宪
Composer / Cast 作曲 / 演员:
Toh Shir Ling 杜雪菱
Cast 演员:
Apple Yong 杨国平,Godfrey Yom 严子豪,Juno Chen 秦军乐

Photos by Tony wong b
Synopsis 简介
Children are dying. One after another...and their last word is “YOLO”. Are their deaths accidental or cold-blooded murder? If so, who is the murderer and how can the loss of more innocent lives be prevented? No one knows.
城中接二连三地发生儿童意外身亡事件,受害者的家属都曾听过孩子们提及了一个名字: YOLO。一宗宗的命案究竟是意外还是谋杀?谁该为逝去的幼小生命负责?我们又该如何避免悲剧的发生?
Director 导演:
Easee Gan 颜永祯
Adapted by 改编:
Easee Gan 颜永祯 & Lee Yueh Yi 李月依
Music Designer 音乐设计:
Lee Yueh Yi 李月依
Costume Designer 造型设计:
Beatrice Looi
Cast 演员:
Ruby Faye 狄妃 & Yvette San 小诗

Photos by Tony wong b
5. Goeng Si on-the-way (MUSICAL / ENGLISH 音乐剧 / 英文)
Synopsis 简介
Two pallbearers are on a mission to transport a coffin to their Sifu, but they encounter someone strange on their journey.
Director / Scriptwriter / Composer 导演/编剧/作曲:
Dylan Yeo 杨宏强
Music Director / Composer 音乐总监/作曲:
Maxilus Ooi 黄敬旭
Cast 演员:
Joven Leong 梁兆雯,Kara Yee 倪晓琪,Shevone 萧加倩

Photos by PixArt Creation
6. ALMARI : Kangkang (DANCE 舞蹈)
Synopsis 简介
Nasi Kangkang or Nasi Tangas is a black magic ritual performed by Malay women to subdue their man or husband so that he is forever in her control. She concocts a love potion by squatting over some cooked rice to allow her sweat and other bodily fluids drip down into it and recites a series of incantations before serving it to the man. Though not widely practiced today, there are still a few who believe in its powers.
Nasi Kangkang 或 Nasi Tangas是一种马来妇女所施的巫术,以制服他们的男人或丈夫。她蹲在一些煮熟的米饭上,让她的汗水和其他体液混入其中,并诵读咒语,然后再让他的丈夫食用。尽管如今没有被广泛使用,但仍然有人相信它的黑暗力量。
Choreographer 编舞:
Zhafir Muzani
Dancers 舞者:
Aina Rosli, Amfa Roslan & Cheare

Photos by Tony wong b
7. The Guardian《守尸者》 (THEATRE / MANDARIN 戏剧 / 中文)
Synopsis 简介
A city is under attack from zombies and its inhabitants’ last hope is a zombie hunter who is already half infected. His duty is to protect the people but he is caught in a dilemma - should he stand guard or go hunting?
Director 导演:
Easee Gan 颜永祯
Adapted by 改编:
Easee Gan 颜永祯 & Lee Yueh Yi 李月依
Music Designer 音乐设计:
Lee Yueh Yi 李月依
Costume Designer 造型设计:
Beatrice Looi
Cast 演员:
Paige Chan 郑雨萍 & Tan Li Yang 陈立扬

Photos by Tony wong b