【東藝館藝術課程】夏振基老師 - 夏老師書法教室:興趣班/親子班|Chinese Calligraphy Class for Parents & Children by Mr Ha Chan Kee
Date: Refer to the details below.
Time: Refer to the details below.
Duration: 60 minutes
Doors Open: 30 minutes before the show
RM220.00, RM400.00
All Fees Included
RM220.00, RM400.00
All Fees Included
Duration: 60 minutes
Doors Open: 30 minutes before the show
Feb 28th - May 15th, 2024
Every Wednesday, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Watch at Venue
🔔 若報名者超過一人,請分開填寫報名表格及付費。
🔔 If you register for more than one pax, please fill up the registration form and make payment separately.
星期三 Wednesdays
7pm - 8pm
28.02 - 15.05.2024
休館 Center Closes: 10.04, 01.05
// 學費 Fees //
10 lessons
小孩 Child RM220 | 成人 Adult RM400
// 報名條件 Requirements //
• 年齡6歲或以上 Age 6 and above
• 有無基礎皆可報名 Suitable for student with or without basics
// 報名截止 Registration Ends //
// 導師簡介 //
• 資深金石書畫家
• 早年畢業於國立台灣大學中國文學系
• 擅長詩詞對聯文學,潛心於書法與篆刻
• 曾擔任新紀元學院、韓新傳播學院等大專院校兼任講師,並曾受聘為中國邯鄲市邯鄲學院客座教授
• 教学特色: 让书法的寻访者,从未知到入门,从楷书基礎,循序漸進,浏览书法这片园林的美景
// 課程報名須知 //
- 學員所繳之學費一律不接受退款,也不能轉到其他學員名下,或轉讀相同導師的其他課程。
- 學員因故缺席,東藝館不予以補課或退費。
- 若課程未開辦成功,本館將學費全數退還給學員。
- 若上課日碰上公共假期或東藝館活動,本館有權展延課程。
- 本館所有課程學費不含材料費,除非另有註明。
// Notice of Course Registration//
- All course fees paid by students are strictly non-refundable, and cannot be transferred to another student or other courses taught by the same instructor.
- In the event of a student's absence for any reason, OACA will not provide replacement classes or refunds.
- If a course failed to commence, OACA will fully refund the course fee to the student.
- In the case of any classes fall on public holidays or OACA events, OACA reserves the right to reschedule the classes.
- All course fees do not include material costs unless otherwise specified.
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