
BBC Arts Hour On Tour in Kuala Lumpur

BBC World Service





Duration: 120 minutes without intermission

Seating: Free Seating

Dress Code: Casual

This show has ended.



Additional Fee Applies

The BBC World Service is delighted to welcome you to a radio recording of The Arts Hour on Tour in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Tuesday 26th November 2024.




Nov 2024

8:00PM (GMT+8)


The BBC World Service is bringing its flagship arts and culture programme The Arts Hour on Tour to Kuala Lumpur on 26th November 2024. We are delighted to welcome you to be a part of our audience! The programme will feature live performance and star guest interviews with leading Malaysian creatives who will join BBC presenter Nikki Bedi on stage, to discuss the themes of cultural life in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia right now.

Guests include screen star Sharifah Amani, whose latest film ‘La Luna’ is Singapore’s submission to next year’s Oscars and tells the story of a woman who opens a lingerie shop in a conservative Malaysian village.

Film director Ng Ken Kin talks about ‘Pendatang’, his crowd funded film, available to watch on YouTube, which depicts a fictitious dystopian Malaysia, where different races are forbidden to live together.

There will be a live stand-up routine from comedy genius Kavin Jay, live music from the extraordinarily talented Kuala Lumpur singer-songwriter Takahara Suiko, and from the phenomenal Sabahan band, ‘Tuni Sundatang’, with sensational singer, Dabra Sia, whose collaborations are fusing the folkloric traditions of Borneo with contemporary rock music.

Recorded in English for BBC World Service radio, The Arts Hour on Tour visits cities all over the world to explore their hottest cultural trends, by talking to the artists who live and work there, promoting cultural exchange across the world.

We are especially excited to visit Malaysia, with its rich mix of cultures, ancient and modern, and we hope to create an amazing opportunity for Malaysian talents and culture to be heard by our worldwide audience.

The show will be broadcast on BBC World Service Radio, to millions of listeners worldwide.  

Everyone is invited to register to attend for free and be part of the audience for the recording:

Date: Tuesday 26th November

Venue: Playhouse @ The Campus Ampang

Address: Jalan Kerja Air Lama, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Doors open at 7.15pm for a prompt 8.00pm start


Please take a few moments to read the following information carefully and bear in mind that by reserving a seat you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

We want coming to see a BBC show to be an exciting and unique experience, so here are a few things to help you enjoy it.

1. Admission is on a first-come-first-served basis. As not everyone who RSVPs ends up coming, we sometimes have to over-ticket our events, meaning that we occasionally have to disappoint people, and cannot guarantee that you'll get in. However, we will do everything we can to avoid this from happening.

2. We will be conducting airport style security checks and bag searches as you arrive at the venue. Please do not bring sharp implements such as penknives, forks, etc. Bring as little as possible with you so we do not keep you waiting. 

3. Photo ID is required by all audience members in order to gain admittance. Your ID will be checked along with your tickets.

4. As part of our audience you'll make a major contribution to the show - it will be your applause or laughter that the listeners will hear. To make sure everyone has a great time we will ask people to leave if they interrupt or disrupt the show or behave in a way likely to cause damage, injury, nuisance or annoyance. The BBC reserves the right to refuse admission. 

5. Now and again we have to cancel or change bookings. If this happens, we will do all we can to give you plenty of notice, but we cannot be held responsible for any expenses you have in getting to us.

6. Our show is not suitable for people under 12 and anyone under 18 should be accompanied by an adult. If you look under 18 it is important that you bring proof of age with you to ensure you get in.

7. We will collect email addresses of attendees in line with the Cloudjoi platform. This information will only be used in order to run this event and will be deleted afterwards.

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