
Support Don't Punish Day

Malaysian AIDS Foundation



LanguageEnglish, Bahasa Malaysia


TagsFestivals, Competition, Poetry, Participatory Art

Duration: 480 minutes with intermission (60 minutes)

This show has ended.



All Fees Included

Join us for the Support Don't Punish global day of action on the 26th of June at Central Market for a full day of fashion, poetry, dance and thoughts, all in support of a better drug policy and harm reduction.


This event can be booked on an external platform.

Find out more


Support Don't Punish is a global campaign in solidarity with advocating with better drug policy and harm reduction measures everywhere. On this day, around the world events such as this are held to bring the communities across all layers of society through engagement on activities that raises our awareness, show our support and advocate for drug policies that are evidence-based and based on a public health approach. 

Join us for a Malaysian take on the global campaign through our very own Bantu Jangan Hukum day. A day of fashion, poetry and sharings that would leave us feeling a collective hopefulness and empathy towards those in the margins of our society. This event is brought to you by Malaysian AIDS Council, Malaysian AIDS Foundation, the Drug Policy Program Malaysia, SKPA-2 and the Malaysian Substance Abuse Council with participations from your local NGOs and the One Stop Centre for Addiction (OSCA). 

Participation is open to all and is free. We will be at C-Space Central Market from 10AM to 6PM. Hope to see you there!

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