An Extraordinary Journey in Everyday Spaces: A Close to You Festival Sharing Session 日常空間的非常旅行-超親密小戲節分享講座
Language: English, Mandarin
Category: Event
Duration: 90 minutes without intermission
Doors Open: 30 minutes before the show
Seating: Free Seating
Recommended for: 3 years old and above
All Fees Included
All Fees Included
Duration: 90 minutes without intermission
Doors Open: 30 minutes before the show
Seating: Free Seating
Recommended for: 3 years old and above
Close to You Festival founder Shih Pei-Yu will share her experiences, offering insights into the ups and downs of organising and curating such an intimate puppetry festival.
Jul 2024
8:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
Many years ago, puppeteer Shih Pei-Yu visited Dordrecht in the south of Netherlands, where puppet master Damiët van Dalsum hosted the annual International Puppet Festival. There, she witnessed unprecedented forms of puppetry, using seemingly ordinary spaces as extraordinary performance venues —the corner of a library, the living rooms of local residents, and even a backyard.
Inspired by these bold ideas, the first Close to You Festival began in Taipei in 2010. It shattered audiences’ perceptions of what a puppet theatre space can be and bridged the distance between viewers and puppeteers. Accompanied by a guide, audiences tour the streets and experience puppetry performances that turn regular living spaces into not only stages, but characters and texts.
Close to You Festival founder Shih Pei-Yu will share her experiences, offering insights into the ups and downs of organising and curating such a festival.
許多年前,佩玉造訪在於荷蘭南方的一個古老城市多德瑞克市( Dordrecht),偶戲大師大咪・戴爾桑(Damiët van Dalsum)在那兒主持每年一度的荷蘭國際偶戲節。 在那裡,我們觀看到前所未見的偶戲形式、欣賞到驚人的大膽創意─圖書館的一個角落、當地居民的住家客廳、後院,都可以是演出場地。
Artist Bio
Shih Pei-Yu
After graduating from Ming Chuan University in 1995, Shih Pei-Yu worked as an administrator in theatre arts before working as a puppet designer from 2002 to 2004. In 2004 she founded Flying Group Theatre, specialising in shadow theatre and often incorporating space, objects and puppets in productions. Notable directorial credits include works such as The Mice War with David Chesky and Journey to the Colourful Bubbles with Hong Kong-based Little Smudges Theatre. Since 2010, she has curated the Close to You Festival.
1997年於與荷蘭導演Damiet van Dalsum合作,首次偶戲演出。2004年創辦飛人集社劇團,以空間物件戲偶為媒材,光影創作為其強項,引用 物件/戲偶元素與不同類型表演藝術合作,期間與無獨有偶劇團、沙丁龐客劇團、河床劇團、莎士比亞的妹妹們的劇團、鞋子兒童劇團、台灣弦樂團、NSO合作擔任戲偶設計製作。除擔任飛人集社劇團編導,其他重要導演作品有: 戲曲夢工廠《虗轉》、《初生》《長大的那一天》《消失-神木下的夢》、《黑色微光》等。近期戲偶設計作品包括:《繡襦夢》/國光劇團、《赤鬼》/馬來西亞平台計劃劇團。2010年起策畫【超親密小戲節】,開始以「小孩也可以看系列」創作,並與法國、馬來西亞、香港、新加坡等地藝術家合作。