EJKLS Seni (CA0321697-T) is a self-funded social-oriented arts collective with the aim to provide an inclusive safe-space for arts practitioners in Malaysia to create and present original artistic works with social relevance. We intend to champion adult-oriented contents, original art works, and social commentaries in our productions and events; aside from strongly advocating for accessibility towards arts and arts education. Our collective originated as a theatre-based group, and over the years have ventured into other forms of arts, including poetry, music, dance, and visual arts – with the aim to bridge in the gaps between the different scenes in the arts community. TO date, EJKLS Seni has produced multiple events, ranging from theatre productions (i.e., “Garam”, “Dara, Darah, & Amarah”, & “Why Do We Dream What We Dream When We Dream What We Dream”), multidisciplinary arts events (i.e., Breaking Borders), poetry events (i.e., “Senggama Kata” & “Pabila Aksara Berasmara”), and music events (i.e., Kampong Session).
EJKLS Seni strongly advocates for accessibility towards arts and arts education. Over the years, we have started multiple education-based initiatives – among them are The Young Blood Experiment (TYBE), Arts Accessibility Programme (AAP), Creators’ Lab, and the Actors’ Safe Stage Initiative.