《情牽華樂》演奏會 "Enthusiasm de Melody" Chinese Musical Concert
Duration: 1 hour
All Fees Included
All Fees Included
Duration: 1 hour
Dec 2021
8:00PM (GMT+8)
Watch at Venue
*RM30 Concession Price can just be purchase at penangpac's Box Office counter.
**This concert is sponsored by CENDANA.
The "Enthusiasm de Melody" Chinese Orchestra Concert features 14 talented local Chinese traditional music performers in small ensembles and solos, conducted by Mr. Lai Ah Lai. The beautiful melodies selected for this concert will not only resonate well with local Chinese traditional music fans, but will also mesmerise audiences who are new to Chinese Orchestra. Don’t miss out this glorious feast filled with the enthusiasm of preserving and inheriting the legacy of Chinese classical music.
[Bahasa Melayu]
Konsert Orkestra Cina “Enthusiasm de Melody” yang dikendalikan oleh En. Lai Ah Lai, akan menampilkan 14 pemain muzik tradisional Cina tempatan yang berbakat dalam ensemble kecil dan solo. Melodi-melodi indah yang dipilih untuk konsert ini bukan sahaja mampu memikat peminat muzik tradisional cina tempatan, malah akan memukau penonton yang baru dengan orkestra Cina. Jangan lepaskan pesta muzik yang penuh dengan keghairahan untuk memelihara dan mewarisi legasi muzik klasik Cina ini.
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Please read our SOP reminders before coming to penangpac. As always, our team will be on hand to guide you but for everyone’s safety, please abide by the SOPs strictly.
- Fully-vaccinated with a valid digital certificate (no photo / screenshots)
- Permitted health status (low risk or casual contact without symptoms)
- Children aged 17 years and below should be under company of fully vaccinated parents
- Make sure you’re well (otherwise do stay home)
- No over-the-counter sales & phone sales (only online purchase via www.cloudtix.co)
- Download your e-ticket(s) to your phone or screenshot it (in case you can’t load your e-mail to retrieve your e-ticket at the venue)
- Bring your own mask & sanitiser (best to double mask and/or wear a face shield on top your mask - keep masks on throughout)
- Download e-programme book at the lobby (look out for the QR scan stations)
- Sit in your designated seats
- Performance is 90 minutes without intermission
- Entrance & exit will be tightly controlled – pls follow ushers’ instructions at the end of the show (wait for cue to stand up and exit)
- Scan QR to fill in online feedback form
- Pls do not linger after the show inside the theatre & at the foyer
- Maintain safe physical distancing at all times
- Don’t forget to check out on your MySejahtera after leaving
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Feel free to go through our full SOP guide here:
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