
Close to You Festival @ GTF 超親密小戲節:檳城篇

George Town Festival


Time11:00AM, 8:00PM, 3:00PM




Duration: 90 minutes without intermission

Recommended for: 12 years old and above

This show has ended.



All Fees Included

Close to You Festival arrives in Penang for its first international outing, allowing participants to choose between two starting points to tour the city and experience two intimate puppetry performances.





Jul 2024

11:00AM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]

11:00AM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

8:00PM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

8:00PM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]



Jul 2024

11:00AM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

11:00AM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]

8:00PM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

8:00PM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]



Jul 2024

3:00PM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]

3:00PM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

8:00PM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

8:00PM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]



Jul 2024

3:00PM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

3:00PM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]



Jul 2024

3:00PM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

3:00PM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]

8:00PM (GMT+8)

Option A: From [A Suitcase of Taipei] to [Hiss and Arf]

8:00PM (GMT+8)

Option B: From [Hiss and Arf] to [A Suitcase of Taipei]



「偶人工作桌」把布偶藝術提升到新的高點,演出「令人驚艷」。- ISHARA藝術總監浦頓吉(Dadi Pudumjee)

Featured in "Must-see Performances Of 2020-2022" by PAR Performing Arts Redefined Magazine

"Puppet-On-The-Workbench has been taking the art of puppetry to new heights, and the performance was stunning".  - Dadi Pudumjee, Director of the Ishara Puppet Theatre Trust

Founded in 2010 by Flying Group Theatre in Taipei, the Close to You Festival is an arts festival that promotes puppetry through object and puppet theatre. By using unconventional spaces as performance venues, the festival minimises the traditional distance between performers and audiences, offering audiences an intimate way to appreciate the arts.

George Town Festival 2024 brings Close to You Festival to Penang for its first international outing, allowing participants to choose between two starting points to tour the city and experience two puppetry performances: A Suitcase of Taipei and Hiss and Arf. 

As you walk from one performance venue to the next, we encourage you to take in the unique atmosphere of our urban spaces and consider the artistic possibilities they hold. 

*Founder of Close to You Festival, Shih Pei-Yu, will be having a sharing session on Tuesday 23rd July (8:00 pm-9:30 pm), at Mano Plus Mini Cube.

Option A: From A Suitcase of Taipei to Hiss and Arf
In the first half, audiences will enjoy a performance of A Suitcase of Taipei by Shih Pei-Yu at Le Petit Four Patisserie. This is followed by a guided tour through George Town’s historic buildings, before arriving at Han Jiang Ancestral Temple to watch Hiss and Arf by Chen Chia-Hao. The journey between venues is approximately 10 minutes.

Option B: From Hiss and Arf to A Suitcase of Taipei
In the first half, audiences will enjoy a performance of Hiss and Arf at Han Jiang Ancestral Temple. This is followed by a guided tour through George Town’s historic buildings, before arriving at Le Petit Four Patisserie to watch A Suitcase of Taipei by Shih Pei-Yu. The journey between venues is approximately 10 minutes.





*「超親密小戲節」的創辦人石佩玉將於7月23日(星期二)晚上8:00-9:30舉行分享講座,地點在Mano Plus Mini Cube



在節目上半場,觀眾將在Le Petit Four Patisserie欣賞由石佩玉與歐佳瑞共同創作的《迴光城市》演出。隨後由工作人員帶領導覽穿梭於檳城喬治市古建築中,路程預計10分鐘, 抵達韓江家廟,繼續欣賞由陳佳豪帶來的《嘶嘶嗷嗷》演出。


在節目上半場,觀眾將在韓江家廟欣賞由陳佳豪帶來的《嘶嘶嗷嗷》演出。隨後由工作人員帶領導覽穿梭於檳城喬治市古建築中,路程預計10分鐘,抵達Le Petit Four Patisserie,繼續欣賞由石佩玉與歐佳瑞共同創作的《迴光城市》演出。

A Suitcase of Taipei 迴光城市 by Flying Group Theatre 飛人集社劇團

The scene is set in Taipei, where a man and a woman are having a dinner date.

They ride a scooter through the city to buy ingredients. While they shop, the sights, smells and sounds of the market draw out the distinctive atmosphere of life in Taipei, the city’s charms permeating the air. As they prepare the food, the two grow closer, becoming more intimately entangled with one another.

This non-verbal performance uses a suitcase as a small-scale backdrop, the closeness between audience and puppeteer reflecting the closed distance between the man and the woman.

Since its premiere at the Microfestival Fa. Versteeg in the Netherlands in 2019, A Suitcase of Taipei has toured at festivals such as the International Puppet Arts Festival in Saguenay, Canada.

Come closer, and watch a whimsical world of food and lust be revealed before your very eyes.



《一皮箱的台北──飲食男女》(現為《迴光城市》)在荷蘭多德雷赫特國際微型藝術節首演後,也曾在加拿大薩格奈國際偶戲節、捷克SKUPA'S PILSEN國際偶戲節等地進行巡演。



Hiss and Arf 嘶嘶嗷嗷 by Puppet on the Workbench 偶人工作桌

Dogs versus cats. A rivalry as old as time. Are you a dog’s best friend or a cat’s loyal servant?

Hiss and Arf is a contemporary puppetry performance that employs traditional Taiwanese glove puppetry techniques. This wordless performance portrays the delightful and humorous life between an owner and his pets.

Cats hiss when they are angry, while dogs arf! With a cat on one hand and a dog on the other, who knows what wacky adventures the puppeteer will embark on with his furry duo? What comical and amusing things will happen in this furry world?

Since its premiere in 2018, Hiss and Arf has been performed throughout Taiwan and at the ISHARA International Puppet Theatre Festival in India.

*The puppeteer Chen Chia-Hao will be having a puppetry workshop on Friday 26th July (7:00pm-10:00pm), at Penang Harmony Centre. Registration required.

貓生氣了,嘶嘶!狗也生氣了,嗷嗷! 當操偶師變成了毛孩子們的主人,一手是貓,一手是狗。 在這個毛茸茸的世界,會産生什麼崩潰又有趣的事呢?




*偶戲演員陳佳豪將於7月26日(星期五)晚上7:00-10:00在Penang Harmony Centre舉行操偶工作坊。有興趣參與的朋友請事先報名。

Ticket Price

Original Price 

RM 70

Early Bird 20/5 - 9/6

RM 58

Concession 15%

RM 59.50

Group Sales (Bundle for 2)

RM 130

Additional & Accessibility Info

  • Age Limit: Recommended for audiences aged 12 years and above.
  • Language: Both puppetry performances are non-verbal.
  • Post-show Talks: 
    Three performances days will have post-show talks, each 15-20 minutes.
    22 July 2024, after 3:00pm-4:30pm show
    23 July 2024, after 3:00pm-4:30pm show
    24 July 2024, after 3:00pm-4:30pm show
  • Notes:
    There are two starting points to choose from, which determines the order audiences experience the puppetry performances. Kindly purchase your ticket according to your preferred order.
    - Three performance days will have post-show talks, each lasting 15-20 minutes. When purchasing tickets for these dates, kindly note that audiences will only be able to attend the post-show talk for their last stop. For example, if you wish to hear the post-show talk from Hiss and Arf's Puppet on the Workbench, please select Option A, where Hiss and Arf is the last performance.

Organised by 

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia(TECO)
George Town Festival(GTF)

Presented by:

Flying Group Theatre飛人集社劇團 x Puppet on the Workbench 偶人工作桌(Taiwan)

Sponsord by

Ministry of Culture, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Manloy 文來

Artist Bio - A Suitcase of Taipei

Flying Group Theatre 飛人集社劇團

Founded in 2004, Flying Group Theatre aims to create artworks fuelled by the spirit of diversity and integration, and challenge traditionally accepted distances between the performer and the audience. Committed to the cultivation of young artists, the group established their “Puppet Lab” in 2018, providing young puppetry creators a platform to exchange ideas and create new works. Between 2010 and 2016, the company was invited to arts festivals in the Netherlands, France, Singapore, Japan, Turkey and Spain.


Shih Pei-Yu 共同創作暨演員/ 石佩玉

From 2000 to 2004, Shih Pei-Yu worked as a puppet designer and collaborated with multiple Taiwanese theatres. She founded Flying Group Theatre in 2004. The group specialises in the use of light and shadow in productions and aims to introduce objects and puppets into various genres of performing arts.

2004年創辦飛人集社劇團,以空間物件戲偶爲媒材,光影創作爲其強項,引用物件/戲偶元素與不同類型表演藝術合作。除擔任飛人集社劇團編導,其他重要導演作品有:戲曲夢工廠《虗轉》、颱法合作“一睡一醒之間三部曲”《初生》《長大的那一天》《消失-神木下 的夢》、《黑色微光》、《鼠際大戰》/NSO、《幻戲》/國光劇團、跨年音樂會《仲夏夜之夢》/NSO。 近期戲偶設計作品包括:《繡襦夢》/國光劇團、《赤鬼》/馬來西亞平颱計劃劇團。2010年起策劃“超親密小戲節”至今。

Carrie Ou 共同創作暨演員/ 歐佳瑞

Having been involved in video art, documentaries and cross-genre theatre since the mid-1990s, Carrie Ou has recently been active in dance, modern puppet theatre and Taiwanese glove puppetry as a visual artist and video creator. Carrie has also been invited to international transdisciplinary art projects.

大學主修美術開始聚焦於video art、紀錄片、跨領域劇場。近年以視覺藝術家、影像設計的身分參與舞蹈、現代偶戲、掌中戲,多次參與跨國跨域藝術計畫。曾為《舞蹈空間舞團》、《真快樂掌中劇團》、《三十舞蹈劇場》設計影像;2015 飛人集社劇團《吉光片羽》、2017《壓迫者》影展閉幕演出則擔任影像設計並共同創作。


Yu Huan-Fu 音樂設計/ 余奐甫

Yu Huan-Fu is an experienced theatre writer, director and music designer. His directorial and stage design work The Prince from Golden Bough Theatre was nominated at the Taishin Arts Award in 2014. PAR magazine describes his music as always involving “a unique ambience that brings the dancing piece to another level”.


Artist Bio - Hiss & Arf

Puppet on the Workbench 偶人工作桌

After participating in several large-scale puppet shows, puppet designer Liang Mong Han and puppeteer Chen Chia-Hao joined forces to establish Puppet on the Workbench, focusing on small-scale puppet shows. The group is built upon the discovery that the most attractive part of puppetry is the infinite imagination that can be triggered by delicate manipulation. By applying traditional puppet manipulation techniques to contemporary puppet creation, they seek to discover more diverse aspects of Taiwanese puppetry. Examples of their works include Hiss and Arf and Planting a Baby, which premiered in 2018 and 2020 respectively.

在參與了多部大型偶戲的製作與演出之後,戲偶設計梁夢涵與偶戲演員陳佳豪發現,偶戲最吸引人的地方,是透過細緻的操作,引發觀眾的無限想像。因此,出於對偶戲藝術的熱愛,以及為了提供觀眾更加深刻的偶戲體驗,兩人決定攜手成立「偶人工作桌」,專注於創作小型偶戲。 偶人工作桌的目標不僅僅是製作精緻的偶戲,更希望能在每一個創作中尋找偶的存在意義,重新詮釋人偶關係的可能性。此外,偶人工作桌也將傳統偶戲的操作技術,運用於當代偶戲創作中,試圖尋找台灣偶戲的多元面貌。

Chen Chia-Hao 共同創作暨主演/陳佳豪

A puppeteer and theatre actor with experience in contemporary puppetry and traditional Taiwanese glove puppetry. With several years of professional experience under his belt, he has also conducted puppetry workshops and has coached various productions in the art of puppetry. He is currently a puppetry coach at the International Academy of Puppet Arts in Taiwan.

偶戲工作者,擅長當代偶戲的操偶、創作,也對台灣傳統布袋戲的操偶技巧有所涉略。在累積了幾年的偶戲專業經驗之後,近年也開始投入偶戲教學,除了常與不同劇團合作開設偶戲工作坊,也在不同製作中擔任偶戲指導,目前也是台灣國際偶戲職人學校操偶訓練師資群的一員。 另外,出自於對小型偶戲演出的熱情以及憧憬,促使了陳佳豪和梁夢涵,共同成立偶人工作桌,專門進行各種小型偶戲的演出以及創作。

Liang Mong-Han 共同創作暨戲偶設計/梁夢涵

A Taiwanese puppetry artist who designs puppets and masks for theatre productions. She has collaborated with theatre groups such as Teochew Puppet & Opera House, and was involved in the puppet design for the television series Twisted Strings. In recent years, she has partnered with Chen Chia-Hao to form “Puppet on the Workbench”, focusing on the creation of small-scale puppet shows. 

偶戲工作者,從事偶戲創作與劇場戲偶面具等設計製作工作。  曾合作劇團有潮藝館Teochew Puppet&Opera House、夾腳拖劇團、頑劇場、鞋子兒童實驗劇團、真快樂掌中劇團、三缺一劇團、黑眼跨劇團、優人神鼓和無獨有偶工作室劇團等。 也曾參與電視影集《良辰吉時》戲偶製作。  近年來與陳佳豪組“偶人工作桌”,進行小型偶戲創作。

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