
「一畫一妙音」網上導賞音樂會 A Music Tableaux of the Buddhaland Virtual Docent Concert

Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble Limited


Date22 Sept 2021




Duration: 120 minutes

This show has ended.


HK$40.00/ approx RM23.00

All Fees Included


「一畫一妙音」音樂會希望把畫中世界的仙樂帶回人間 : 將伎樂天的舞曲、菩薩的頌唱、孩童的歌謠,甚至畫中人物的心曲,幻化成一幅幅聽得見的敦煌壁畫,一一呈現在觀眾面前。

(語言:粵語 - 備有簡體與繁體中文和英文字幕)

Whenever you enter the Dunhuang Grottoes, it is like stepping into a concert hall surrounded by enliven audible paintings. Scenes in the paintings were brought to life by the sound of music, splendid melody flowing everywhere. This is painting, this is music; this is the essence of Dunhuang’s charm.

"A Music Tableaux of the Buddha-land" Docent concert hope to bring back the divine music from Dunhuang Grottoes to human world, unfolding before audience's eyes, a world with dance music of the Apsara, chants of the Bodhisattvas, folk songs of the children, and even the spiritual sounds of the characters by transforming them into audible Dunhuang wall painting.

(Language: Cantonese with Traditional & Simplified Chinese & English subtitles)




Sep 2021

8:00PM (GMT+8)



製作團隊 Production Team

  • 執行監製 Executive Producer:紀文鳳女士, GBS, SBS, JP Ms. Leonie Ki, GBS, SBS, JP
  • 舞台經理 Stage Manager:劉世偉先生 Mr. Lau Sai Wai
  • 助理舞台經理 Assistant Stage Manager:季嘉敏女士 Ms. Carmen Kwai
  • 舞台助理 Stage Assistant:梁皓然先生、司徒家朗先生Mr. Leung Ho Yin, Mr. Seto Ka Long
  • 駐團動畫設計師 Animation Designer-in-residence:孔慶偉先生 (阿水) Mr. Harry Hung (H2o)
  • 影像操作員 Video Operator:關家衍女士 Ms. Jennifer Kwan
  • 攝影及錄影 Video Shooting & Recording:超想像市場策劃有限公司 Chillster Marketing & PR Ltd.
  • 項目行政 Project Administration:陳天慧女士、梁靜文女士、蕭慧覺女士、廖珉璡女士、陳珮儀女士、黃倩兒女士 Ms. Anna Chan, Ms. Daphne Leung, Ms. Joyce Siu, 
  • Ms. Miriam Liu, Ms. Chan Pui Yee, Ms. Cindy Wong


甘聖希 Kam Shing Hei 

駐團作曲暨藝術統籌 Composer-in-residence & Artistic Coordinator

甘氏現為香港天籟敦煌樂團藝術統籌及駐圑作曲。甘氏以一級榮譽成績畢業於香港演藝學院,師從阮慧玲博士和張珮珊博士主修作曲,亦先後師從麥家樂、蔡敏德、何文川、Alan Cumberland、Richard Pontzious 以及 James Judd 學習管弦樂指揮。畢業後獲東蓮覺苑所頒發的獎學金,於香港大學完成修讀佛學研究碩士。甘氏自2013年起便屢獲委約作曲,現為香港演藝學院兼職講師。

Kam Shing-hei is currently the composer-in-residence and artistic coordinator of the Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble. Kam graduated with first-class honors at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in composition under the supervision of Dr. Viola Yuen and Dr. Cheung Pui-shan, also studying orchestral conducting under Mak ka-lok, Sharon Choa, Ho Man-chuen, Alan Cumberland, Richard Pontzious, and James Judd. With scholarship-winning, Kam graduated master's degree at the University of Hong Kong, major in Buddhist Studies. Kam had been premiering his works and receiving commissions from different musicians and groups in Hong Kong since 2013. He is now a part-time lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art.

朱啟揚 Chu Kai Yeung 
駐團作曲暨音響設計 Composer-in-residence & Audio Design

朱氏在2019年畢業於香港演藝學院,現為香港天籟敦煌樂團駐團作曲音響設計。師從麥偉鑄教授及伍華晞博士、指揮師承譚馮佩玲女士、何文川老師及蔡敏德教授;朱氏現於中央音樂學院攻讀碩士學位,師從郭文景教授。自2014為「菁薈雅頌」駐團作曲家,2018 年接受以色列駐香港總領事館委約,為年輕得獎鋼琴演奏家創作,同年亦為本地知名樂團「玥- 琵琶室內樂團」及「綠韻- 混聲合唱團」委約創作。

Chu Kai Yeung graduated with a Bachelor of Music (Honours) degree in 2019 under Prof. Clarence Mak and Orchestral Conducting under Prof. Sharon Chow and Mr. Ho Man Chuen. Chu is a Composer-in-residence and Audio Design of Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble and studying in the Central Conservatory of Music with a master’s degree in music composition under Prof. Guo Wenjing. Chu is the Composer-in-Residence of Festive Chamber since 2014. In 2018, he was commissioned by the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong and Macau to compose a Piano solo piece Wane of the Moon for a young Israel pianist. In the same year, he also received a commission by “Yue Pipa Ensemble” and “The Greeners’ Sound”.

茹健朗  Loris Yue
樂團首席(笙)Concert Master (Sheng)

茹氏生於香港,現為香港天籟敦煌樂團樂團首席、西九文化區戲曲中心茶館新星劇團駐團笙樂師、本地融合樂隊FUSICIANZ主要成員及無界樂人JohnChen Ensemble主要成員。

茹氏從小跟隨笙演奏家盧思泓學習笙。於2019年取得香港演藝學院音樂學士 (榮譽) 學位,師隨著名笙演奏家鄭德惠。茹氏經常與不同藝術團體合作,當中包括: 香港弦樂團、西九文化區戲曲中心、垂誼樂社、四擊頭敲擊樂團、桃花源粵劇工作舍等,並於世界各地作交流演出,足跡遍及芬蘭、日本、敦煌、昆明、北京、上海、台北、泉州、廣州、深圳、澳門等地。

Born in Hong Kong, Loris Yue is the Concert Master of Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble, Resident Musician (Sheng) of Tea House Rising Stars Troupe, and a principal member of FUSICIANZ and JohnChen Ensemble currently.

Yue started learning the sheng at the age of 8 under Mr. Loo Sze Wang. He graduated with a Bachelor of Music (Honours) degree in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2019 under the famous sheng master Cheng Tak Wai. Yue often cooperates with different art groups, including Hong Kong String Orchestra, Xiqu Center, Musicus Society, Four Gig Heads Percussion Group, Utopia Cantonese Opera Workshop, etc. He also performance exchanges in many cities, footprints all over Finland, Japan, Dunhuang, Kunming, Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Quanzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macau, etc.

陳韻妍 Felissa Chan
樂團副首席(琵琶)Associate Concert Master (Pipa)


2019年受邀於大館舉行兩場《彈撥傳韻–傳承古調》及《當代意象》音樂會;2018年與香港演藝學院中樂團合作,岀演琵琶協奏曲《雲想·花想》獨奏;2017年,應垂誼樂社所邀,赴芬蘭舉行中樂音樂會;2015年獲香港管弦樂團邀請,於《香港管弦樂團籌款音樂會》中任琵琶樂手。 現任教於香港演藝學院青少年課程,亦為玥琵琶室內樂團主要成員。

Felissa Chan is currently the Associate Concert Master of Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble and graduated with a Master of Music (honors) degree in 2019. She was trained under Ms. Yuan Yue and Ms. Zhang Ying.

Chan was invited by Tai Kwun and held two concerts, “Traditional Tones” and “Contemporary Images”. Chan also performed the pipa concerto “Dress of Clouds, Face of Flowers” with the HKAPA Academy Chinese Orchestra in 2018. In 2017, she performed in a Chinese music concert in Finland organized by the Musicus Society; Earlier, The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra invited Chan to be a pipa performer in concert in 2015. She is the core member of the Yue Pipa Ensemble.

陳天姿 Jenny Chan
樂團副首席(古箏、箜篌)Associate Concert Master (Guzheng, Konghou)

陳氏她現爲香港天籟敦煌樂團副首席(古箏及箜篌)。 陳氏以優異成績于香港演藝學院取得音樂碩士學位,隨許菱子老師主修古箏,曾隨多位老師深造各種樂器,包括箜篌、蝶式箏、古琴、鋼琴等。

陳氏於國際比賽屢獲殊榮,與不同機構合作,多次舉辦個人音樂會,其演奏廣獲好評。 陳氏現任教於香港演藝學院,另曾主持香港電臺第四《下一站四台》節目中《中樂縱橫談》環節,積極參與演出及教學工作,亦爲天樂音樂學院藝術總監。

Jenny Chan is currently the Associate Concert Master (Guzheng and Konghou) of the Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble.

Chan received her Master of Music degree with distinction from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Guzheng under Professor Xu Lingzi. Jenny was trained in various instruments under professional teachers, including the Kong Hou, the butterfly Zheng, the Guqin, and the piano.

Jenny has won numerous awards in international competitions and has collaborated and performed with various organizations. Her playing is widely praised. She currently teaches at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and was a presenter of the RTHK Radio 4’s Next Stop is R4 – Chinese Music program. She is active and dedicated to performing and teaching. She is also the Artistic Director of A.J.T. Music Academy.

劉慕華 Lau Mo Wah
駐團樂師(阮)Resident Musician (Ruan)

畢業於香港演藝學院,主修三弦,師從趙太生老師,並隨雷群安老師及張瑩老師先後副修中阮及琵琶。中學時期跟隨林筱瓊老師學習琵琶。在學期間曾往北京隨著名琵琶演奏家楊靖教授深造琵琶及趙承衛副教授深造三弦。劉氏現為音樂事務處兼職導師和兼職演奏員,除了是香港天籟敦煌樂團駐團樂師外,劉氏亦為玥琵琶室內樂團主要成員。2018 年參加第八屆AMIGDALA 國際音樂大賽,以滿分成績獲民族樂器組冠軍及特別獎。

Momo Lau graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, with a major in sanxian under Zhao Taisheng, a renowned sanxian performer. She also minored in zhongruan and pipa under Professor Lui Kwan On and Zhang Ying respectively. She went to Beijing during her studies at HKAPA to pursue advanced studies of pipa and sanxian under Professor Yang Jing, a famous pipa performer, and Associate Professor Zhao Cheng Wei, a renowned sanxian performer. Lau is currently a part-time instructor and part-time performer of the Music Office. As the resident ruan musician of Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble, Lau also is one of the principal members of Yue Pipa Ensemble. In 2018, Lau won the champion and Premio with full marks in AMIGDALA VIII international music competition.

陳曉鋒 Nickolas Chan
駐團樂師(阮)Resident Musician (Ruan)


Nickolas Chan, born in Hong Kong and graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a major in San-xian and a minor in Pipa, currently a resident musician (Ruan) in Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble. Chan has slight studies of other Chinese plucked instruments like a Liu-qin and a Ruan, particularly interested in a Soprano Ruan. Chan has been supporting the development of Chinese music in Hong Kong, active in the local Chinese music sector for many years and partnering with several local professional and amateur orchestras.

郭栒曦 Nicky Kwok
駐團樂師(笛、簫、塤)Resident Musician (Dizi, Xiao, Xun)



Nicky Kwok learned dizi from Lai Kam Biao, Chan King Tsun and Wai Sing Fa successively since he was nine.

Kwok  currently an Advanced Diploma 2 student of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, following the dizi principal of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) Prof. Sun Yong-zhi and percussion principal of HKCO Mr. Yan Xue-min for a minor in percussion.

Kwok is currently the resident musician (wind instruments) of Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble, he also the dizi principal of the Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra and a member of the HKAPA Chinese Orchestra and Hong Kong Music Lover Chinese Orchestra.

陳俊燊 Alvin Chan
駐團樂師(敲擊)Resident Musician (Percussion)

陳氏以一級榮譽畢業於香港演藝學院,師承龍向榮博士、龐樂思和辜柏麟。2020年,陳氏在香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金的全額資助下,獲頒音樂碩士學位。陳氏熱衷於多個敲擊樂演奏類別,包括管弦樂、室樂、中樂、以及世界音樂等。陳氏現為香港天籟敦煌樂團駐團敲擊樂師,亦是澳門樂團、香港小交響樂團、演藝愛樂之特約樂手。陳氏自2019年創辦敲擊樂二重奏組合Vertex Percussion Duo及敲擊樂團M.A.R.B.L.E.S. Percussion,同年獲奬學金資助,參與於美國普林斯頓大學舉行的Sō Percussion Summer Institute,作交流及演出。

Alvin Chan Chun San studied in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts where he holds a degree in Bachelor of Music (Honours) with first-class honour and a degree in Master of Music under the full scholarships of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund. Alvin is an experienced performer in many kinds of music genres. He is the resident percussionist of Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble now, also the freelance player of Macau Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Philharmonia APA.  In 2019, Alvin co-founded “Vertex Percussion Duo” and “M.A.R.B.L.E.S. Percussion”. Within the same year, he joined the Sō Percussion Summer Institute with scholarships in Princeton where he performed with percussionists from all over the world.

譚詩蔚 Sylvia Tam
駐團樂師(敲擊)Resident Musician (Percussion)

譚氏現為香港天籟敦煌樂團駐團敲擊樂師。譚氏於2018年香港演藝學院音樂學院音樂學士畢業,跟隨中樂敲擊老師閻學敏及西樂敲擊老師胡淑徽。她自2009年加入「赤煉鼓樂團」進行演出及參加比賽,跟隨梁正傑老師學習中國鼓樂,曾於2010年起多次跟從赤煉鼓樂團到西安絳洲與山西絳州鼓樂藝術團學藝交流, 學習山西鼓樂。譚氏鑽研中國敲擊的同時,亦向手鼓樂師李耀誠及新疆手鼓老師伊明庫尔班學習各種手鼓。

Sylvia Tam currently is the resident musician (percussion) of Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble. Sylvia graduated from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, majoring in Chinese percussion and minoring in Western percussion. She has studied percussion with several teachers, including Mr. Jason Leung, director of Refiner Drums, Mr. Yim Hok Man, principal percussionist of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, frame drum soloist Mr. John Lee and Xinjiang frame drum master Mr. Yi Ming. She is a member of the Hong Kong Chinese drum team “Refin”

樂團簡介 HKGDE Intro

香港天籟敦煌樂團 Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble


Founded in 2018, the ensemble combining the principle with the education of respecting individual and inheritance of Dunhuang culture. HKGDE attempted to recreate and enliven musical scenes from over a thousand years ago in the paintings within the Dunhuang grottoes through our interpretation and academic cooperation of ancient Dunhuang music, in order to enhance and promote the Dunhuang art and culture.

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