


LanguageEnglish, Mandarin

SubtitleEnglish, Mandarin


TagsConcert, Orchestra

Duration: 120分钟

This show has ended.



《 四季遇东西》音乐会以西乐,华乐和 声乐呈现,曲目中西合璧,雅俗共享。其中意大利作曲家维瓦尔第的《四季》,我们将创新以中西乐器来演绎,首次破天荒为《四季》注入不同的音色效果,为您的听觉展现前所未有的新体验!其中耳熟能详的中国著名“梁祝”小提琴协奏曲片段将会是音乐会曲目之一。演奏家为南马著名音乐人与教育家: 卫燕贞(声乐),陈光裕(小提琴),陈光梅(小提琴),蓝子澎(中阮),谢焕斌(二胡),许瑜倩(钢琴), 柔艺弦乐团伴奏。 为纪念二十四节令鼓原 创人之一,马来西亚国家文化人物陈徽崇, 其夫人及子女将第一次 3人同台演绎其曲子。

< 4 SEASONS, EAST MEETS WEST> concert features Western music, Chinese music and vocal performances, combining elements of both traditions. The repertoire blends Eastern and Western instruments styles harmoniously. In particular, we will present an innovative interpretation of Italian composer Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" using a fusion of Western and Chinese instruments, introducing unique sonic effects for an unprecedented auditory experience.

One of the well-known segments in the concert program will be the extracts of famous Chinese “Butterfly Lovers” violin concerto. The performers include renowned musicians and educators from southern Malaysia: WAI YIN CHING (vocals), TAN GUANG YU (violin), TAN GUANG MEI (violin), LAM ZIPENG (zhongruan), SIA HUAN PING (erhu), HOOI GIT CHING (piano), accompanied by the South Front String Ensemble.

In commemorating one of the founders of the Twenty-Four Festive Drums, Malaysian National Cultural figure TAN HOOI SONG, his wife Wai Yin Ching and children will perform together on stage for the first time, interpreting his compositions.




Dec 2023

8:00PM (GMT+8)


曲目 Programmes

Antonio Vivaldi's "Four Seasons Violin Concertos," an illustrious jewel of the Baroque era, shall now undergo a daring transformation in this upcoming concert. It shall be ingeniously rendered through solo performances on the violin, erhu, and zhongruan, weaving together the diverse tonal palettes of these instruments. In this alchemical fusion, temporal boundaries that once held these sonorous entities apart shall converge, affording the audience an auditory voyage hitherto uncharted.

第 1 乐章【春】 1st Movement [Spring]:
The violin perfectly embodies the flourishing and vibrant spring, with bird songs, flowing water sounds, and gentle breezes. Fairies and shepherds dance joyfully to the melodic tunes of the flute on the vast grasslands.

第 2 乐章【夏】 2nd Movement [Summer]:
Apart from the scorching heat, there are also dramatic and intense thunderstorms. The fast-paced rhythm and breathtaking momentum successfully depict the unpredictability of the weather, contrasting with "Spring."

第 3 乐章【秋】 3rd Movement [Autumn]:
The richness of the autumn harvest and the joyful demeanor of the farmers, accompanied by a sense of relaxation and contentment, can be felt as the music conveys the essence of autumn.

第 4 乐章【冬】 4th Movement [Winter]:
Winter is divided into two parts: the first part portrays the cold and biting winds with tremolo, while the second part represents the warmth and comfort indoors. These two contrasting scenarios create a rich and immersive winter experience.

"The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto," the most renowned Chinese violin composition, will be presented by Tan Guang Yu, featuring its most familiar sections:
   i)引⼦与主题 Adagio Cantabile
   ii)同𥦬共读 Allegro
   iii)⼗⼋⾥⻓亭相送 Adagio assai doloroso

为纪念⼆⼗四节令⿎创始⼈之⼀,马来西亚国家⽂化⼈物,⾳乐家陈徽崇,其夫⼈卫燕贞将演唱Richard Strauss的“Allerseelen"( 万灵节)及陈⽼师的经典歌曲:花踪(由⼦、⼥⼩提伴奏)及蝶舞。
To commemorate one of the founders of the 24 Festive Drums, a prominent figure in Malaysian national culture, and musician Tan Hooi Song, his wife Wai Yin Ching will perform Richard Strauss's "Allerseelen" (All Souls' Day) as well as classic songs by Mr. Tan Hooi Song: "Flower's Path" (accompanied by their children on violin) and "Butterfly Dance."

表演者 Performers

香港出生 ,自幼学习钢琴及声乐,师从义藉Maestro Gualdi及女中音谭天眷。16岁获香港校际音乐比赛声乐组亚军。以优异成绩获奖学金毕业于台湾国立师范大学音乐系,主修声乐(随刘塞云,赖素芬教授),副修钢琴(随蔡雅雪教授)。跟台湾交响乐团指挥戴粹伦学指挥。移居马来西亚后与夫婿陈徽崇推广音乐教育,教授声乐钢琴,其学生不乏音乐专材,有者成为音乐老师及大学教授。她的学生多次在声乐比赛获佳绩,其中有马来西亚全国艺术歌唱赛总冠军。卫女士受邀演唱的有:在新加坡维多利亚剧院 Offenbach 的歌剧“Orpheus in the Underworld”饰演 Venus。2000 年大型史诗舞台剧“南方之路” ,2003 年黄河大合唱“和平歌舞剧”。2004 年与新山合唱团赴内蒙古及北京与当地合唱团交流并担任独唱。吉隆坡"花踪文学奖颁奖典礼”,新加坡滨海艺术中心,由雅歌音乐协会主办的黄河大合唱任独唱嘉宾。卫女士与齐文洋老师(合唱指挥、声乐家)于新加坡及新山联办师生音乐会,之后在新山中华公会为乳癌康复协会筹款的师生音乐会,皆获好评。她也是合唱指挥,曾指导新山合唱团、新山留台校友会合唱团、康乃馨女声合唱团。曾与新山留台同学会合唱团参加海外华人合唱团"总统杯” 。2007 年率领新山合唱团赴澳门参加“首届中国合唱百年音乐会 及在香港维多利亚音乐厅表演。2014 年新山合唱团演出"剧唱香江"歌舞剧。卫女士曾受邀为"亚洲声乐大赛"及马来西亚全国声乐比赛评判。现为柔佛音乐艺术学院音乐总监、声乐、钢琴导师。

Miss Wai was born in Hong Kong, she studied piano and vocal music at an early age with Maestro Elisio Gualdi and mezzo-soprano Tan Tianjuan. At the age of 16, she won the runner-up in the vocal category of the Hong Kong Inter-School Music Competition. Graduated from the Music Department of Taiwan National Normal University with a scholarship with outstanding results, majoring in vocal music (with Professor Liu Saiyun and Professor Lai Sufen) and minoring in piano (with Professor Cai Yaxue). Learned conducting from Dai Cuilun, conductor of the Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. After moving to Malaysia, she promoted music education with her husband Tan Hooi Song and taught vocal and piano. Her students have achieved success in music,such as teachers ,singers and university professor.They have won awards in many vocal competitions, including the overall championship in the Malaysian National Art Singing Competition. Ms. Wai has been invited to sing the role of Venus in Offenbach's opera "Orpheus in the Underworld" at the Victoria Theater in Singapore. The large-scale epic stage play "Road to the South" in 2000, and the Yellow River Cantata "Peace Revue" in 2003. With Johor Bahru Chior served as a soloist in Inner Mongolia and Beijing In 2004. Kuala Lumpur's "Hua Zong Literary Award Ceremony".In Singapore's Esplanade, the Yellow River Cantata hosted by the Yage Music Association served as the solo guest. Ms. Wai and Mr Qi Wenyang (chorus conductor and vocalist) jointly organized teacher-student concerts in Singapore and Johor Bahru, and later in 2010 held a teacher-student concert at the Johor Bahru Chinese Association to raise funds for the Breast Cancer Support Group were all received good reviews.She was also the conductor of the Johor Bahru Choir, the Johor Bahru Taiwan Alumni Association Choir and the Carnation Girls Choir .In 2004,Participated in Taiwan the Overseas Chinese Chorus "President's Cup" with the Johor Bahru Taiwan Alumni Association Choir. In 2007, the Johor Bahru Choir to Macau in the "First China Chorus Centenary Concert" and performed at the Victoria Concert Hall in Hong Kong. In 2014, the Johor Bahru Choir the musical "Singing in Xiang Jiang".
Ms. Wai has been invited to judge the "Asian Vocal Competition" and the Malaysian National Vocal Competition. Currently, she is the music director, vocal and piano instructor of South Front Art and Music House.

陈光裕自幼受父母陈徽崇及卫燕贞启蒙学习小提琴及钢琴。后于新马两地师事董实清,萧熙诚,黄伟光及陈允等老师。留西澳音乐学院(Western Australia Conservatorium of Music)期间师事Pal Eder。自台湾东海大学音乐系毕业后于王圣哲提琴工作室学习小提琴维修。留美国期间受教于Igor Borodin门下主修小提琴演奏及随Cynthia Roberts副修巴洛克小提琴并取得University of North Texas小提琴演奏硕士学位。2009年获美国密西根州立大学(Michigan State University)全额奖学金就读小提琴演奏博士班师承Walter Verdehr肄业。现为柔佛⾳乐艺术学院⾳乐总监,⼩提琴导师。

After graduated from University of North Texas (Master of Music, Violin Performance) under the guidance of Dr. Igor Borodin and Cynthia Roberts(Baroque Violin), Tan Guang Yu  was accepted into the Doctoral of Musical Arts program in Michigan State University with Professor Verdehr with a full scholarship. Besides performing the violin, he was trained by luthier Mr. Wang Sheng Tze (violin repair) in Taiwan for two years after received his Bachelor of Music in Tunghai University (Taiwan). Guang Yu’s parents Mr. Tan Hooi Song and Mdm. Wai Yin Ching initiated his music education during his childhood along with Mr. Dong Shi Qing, James Wong, Xiao Xi Chen and Chen Yun in Johor Bahru and Singapore.

陈光梅现任柔佛音乐艺术学院院长,Seri Omega Private and International School 弦乐团指挥,前宽中弦乐团指挥。她五岁向父亲陈徽崇和母亲卫燕贞学习小提琴和钢琴。过后向新加坡著名黄伟光老师和孔朝晖老师(中国著名梁祝小提琴演奏家,新加坡交响乐团助理首席)学习。完成了小提琴八级优异成绩后,在 14 岁时开了场独奏会。演出地点有香港大会堂,台湾,泰国,新加坡 Esplanade Concert Hall,SOTA Concert Hall, 指挥弦乐团于 NUS University Cultural Centre。古典与流行合作的音乐家有:新加坡著名小提琴家李慧铭在 Esplanade Concert Hall演出,台湾歌手张惠妹在新加坡《阿密特演唱会》小提琴伴奏,美国著名吉他博士陈万达音乐会等。南洋艺术学院毕业前,就读于台湾辅仁大学主修小提琴。除了活跃于表演,她也热心于教学,她的学生也都获得英国皇家音乐学院考试最高分考生和马来西亚音乐节比赛奖项。

Currently the principle and artistic director of South Front Art & Music House, conductor of Seri Omega Private and International School String Orchestra, former conductor of Foon Yew High School string orchestra . Tan Guang Mei first learned violin and piano from her parents Mr. Tan Hooi Song and Mdm. Wai Yin Ching. She later received lessons from Mr. James Wong and Kong Zhao Hui (renowned Chinese violinist playing The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto, Associate Concertmaster of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and guest concertmaster of the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra) in Singapore. Her first recital was held after she was awarded Grade 8 in merit by ABRSM at the age of 14. Guang Mei had been performed at Hong Kong City Hall,Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore- Esplanade Concert Hall, SOTA Concert Hall, NUS University Cultural Centre (conducted string orchestra). She had also performed with Singapore’s renowned violinist Min-Lee at Esplanade Concert Hall , Taiwanese singer A-Mei’s(张惠妹) concert for violin accompaniment, United State guitarist Tan Wann-Dar (Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in Guitar Performance, University of North Texas, visiting professor at Del Mar College) etc. Before graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Guang Mei has enrolled into Fu Jen University in Taiwan as a violin performing major. As an active performer, Guang Mei is also an enthusiastic teacher. Many of her students were the high scorer in ABRSM examination and prize winner of The Malaysia Youth Music Festival Competition.

自幼学习钢琴,古筝。2000 年随张蓉晖老师学习中阮,同年获得全国华乐独奏赛弹拨组季军。2002 年考入北京中国音乐学院,中阮演奏专业,师从魏蔚教授以及张鑫华老师,同时与杨西老师学习古筝。2004 年成功举办个人独奏音乐会。2011 年组建阮语室内乐团。2012 年随罗伟伦老师学习作曲至今。

LAM ZI PENG (ZhongRuan)
He learned piano and Guzheng at a young age. He started to learn Zhongruan with Zhang Rong Hui in 2000, and won third prize in string instruments category of the National Chinese Music Solo Competition in that same year. He later admitted to the Chinese Conservatory of Music in 2002, majored in Zhongruan performance, mentored by Professor Wei Wei and Zhang Xin Hua, at the same time pursued Guzheng withYang Xi . In 2004, he successfully held a solo music concert. He formed the Ruan Yu Chamber Music in 2011. Since 2012, he has been learning music composition with Luo Wei Lun.


Graduated from China Conservatory of Music with a master degree in music, instructed by Professor Song Fei. Playing violin since the age of 9, joined Foon Yew High School Chinese Orchestra at age 13 and started learning Erhu from teacher Patrick Cheong since then. Went Singapore and learnt from teacher Jennifer Xu to hone his Erhu playing skills once graduated from secondary school. Imparted with knowledge in music composition and music arrangement theories and techniques by Professor Huang Xiao Fei during the pursuance of music studies in university. Awarded first runner-up in String Section twice in "Yue Lang" Malaysia National Chinese Instrumental Solo Competition both in year 2005 and year 2009. Since 2008, full scholarship was granted to him by Beijing Municipal Government to support his tuition fees in the university. Proposed and involved in the establishment of China Conservatory of Music Foreign Student Experimental Enemble and Johore Bahru Experimental String Ensemble.

7 岁开始学习钢琴,师从卫燕贞,鲍以灵及英国教授 Allen Burnham-Airey. 16 岁考获英国皇家学院 ABRSM 钢琴第⼋级⽂凭。21 岁考获英国三⼀学院 Trinity College 钢琴⾼级演奏⽂凭 LTCL。曾经与⻢来⻄亚吉隆坡市政厅交响乐团 DBKL 联合演奏⻉多芬的第五钢琴协奏曲“英雄”The Emperor,深受好评。2003年参与由新⼭歌乐协会和新⼭合唱团所联合呈现的“⻩河⼤合唱和平歌舞剧”演出担任双钢琴第⼀钢琴伴奏,并在新⼭,麻坡,新加坡公演四场。次年,再次为新⼭合唱团担任钢琴伴奏,远赴北京与内  蒙,并与当地著名合唱团进⾏交流⾳乐会,反应热烈。2011年再次活跃于⾳乐圈⼦。与新加坡著名钢琴家李彬⽼师学习。经常活跃于新⻢两地,为各类型⾳乐活动担任钢琴伴奏。

柔艺弦乐团 South Front String Ensemble
《柔艺弦乐团》由柔佛音乐艺术学院的学生组成,指导老师为陈光梅老师与陈光裕老师。《柔艺弦乐团》有多年丰富的演出经验,深获好评,曾经参与的演出有:南方大学学院23周年校庆晚宴《夏鼎兴,南风畅》,国际佛光会南马协会组办的《辛福与安乐金曲义唱会》,《The 10th JB ARTS FESTIVAL 2013》,新山陈旭年文化街,《星云大师“一笔字书法展开幕礼”》,星洲日报《“花综”颁奖礼》,富贵集团组办《陈徽崇四周年追悼会》,《双陈音乐会》,《戏唱香江》歌舞剧,2016年《纪念陈徽崇音乐会》,2017年《南方立春。演艺团圆》,2017年《马来西亚第四届陈嘉庚精神奖颁奖典礼》,2018年隆雪中华大会堂《鼓宴》,2020年《苏丹后查丽苏菲雅歌剧院开幕礼》《Permaisuri Zarith Sofiah Opera House Grand Opening》。亦被邀请参与各种演出如宴会,开幕典礼,特邀节目等。

"South Front String Ensemble" is assemble of students from South Front Art & Music House. The ensemble is under the guidance of teachers Tan Guang Mei and Tan Guang Yu. "South Front String Ensemble" has several years of rich performance experience and has received high praise. Some of the notable performances they have been involved in include: Southern University College's 23rd Anniversary Gala Dinner - "Xia Dingxing, Southern Breeze", International Fo Guang Shan Malaysia Association's "Blessings and Peaceful Melodies Charity Concert", < The 10th JB ARTS FESTIVAL 2013>, Johor Bahru Chen Xunian Cultural Street, "Master Hsing Yun's Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition" Opening Ceremony, Sin Chew Daily's "Hua Zong" Awards Ceremony, Fu Gui Group's "Tan Hooi Song Fourth Anniversary Memorial", "Duos of Guitar & Violin", Musical Theater "Singing and Dancing in Fragrant Harbor", "2016 Tan Hooi Song Memorial Concert" , "2017 Southern Spring, Performing Arts Reunion", "2017 Malaysia's Fourth Tan Kah Kee Spirit Award Ceremony", 2018 Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall "Drum Banquet", 2020 "Permaisuri Zarith Sofiah Opera House Grand Opening"

Additionally, they have been invited to participate in various events such as banquets, opening ceremonies, and special guest performances.

Follow us on Facebook: 柔佛音乐艺术学院 

Instagram:柔佛音乐艺术学院 SOUTH FRONT ART & MUSIC HOUSE


1.On-site Parking: Search for 𝙍&𝙁 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 on Google Maps to reach the on-site parking. The parking lot is located on Level 1, while the opera house is on Level 3. Please note that on-site parking spaces are limited and may fill up quickly during peak hours. We recommend arriving early to secure a spot. 场内停车:谷歌地图搜索 𝙍&𝙁 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 即可抵达,停车场位于1层,歌剧院位于3层。请注意,场内停车位有限,繁忙时段可能会很快填满,我们建议您提前到达以确保找到停车位。

2.Off-site Parking: Search for  𝙍&𝙁 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 on Google Maps to reach the off-site parking. We recommend parking in the B02 and C03A areas. The parking lot is located on Level -1. Take the elevator to Level 1 and follow the signs to the opera house. 场外停车:谷歌地图搜索 𝙍&𝙁 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 即可抵达,建议停靠在B02和C03A区域,停车场位于-1层,需搭乘电梯至1层后,根据指示步行至歌剧院。

欢迎关注我们 Follow us on: Permaisuri Zarith Sofiah Opera House 苏丹后查丽苏菲雅歌剧院

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