
《听见爱》Let My Love Be Heard 💕

Rhapsody Arts JB





Duration: 80 minutes without intermission

Doors Open: 15 minutes before the show

Seating: Numbered Seating

Dress Code: Smart Casual

Recommended for: 3 years old and above

This show has ended.



All Fees Included

来自巴生成立于2006年的爱韵合唱团La Voce Choir是一个成熟而卓越的团体,拥有丰富的经验和精湛的表演艺术,日前刚获得本地BOH Award金马仑艺术大奖之最佳演绎奖。而成立于2008年的泰雷嘉少年儿童合唱团Tarrega Teenager Children Choir 纯净的童声也在各个演出深受激赏。这次他们秉持着爱与关怀的信念,通过音乐将爱传递到世界的每一个角落。






Sep 2024

3:00PM (GMT+8)

8:00PM (GMT+8)


来自巴生著名La Voce Choir 爱韵合唱团 联合 Tarrega Teenagers Children Choir泰雷嘉少年儿童合唱团 公演主题正式亮相❗

《听见爱》Let My Love Be Heard 💕

童艺 Tongyi JB 与 狂想艺术协会 Rhapsody Arts JB 联合呈献
Artzzo 艺作 协助
La Voce Choir 爱韵合唱团 制作






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《听见爱》的概念,启发自本地钢琴家黄仲林 Ng Chong Lim 透过音乐的力量帮助尼泊尔儿童的故事。



此次演出部分收入,捐赠 “Prisoners Assistance Nepal” * 帮助尼泊尔儿童。《听见爱》,让音乐与关爱跨越国界,在音乐的世界里,共同展望爱与和平。 齐声吟唱,向爱绽放!

*尼泊尔受刑人救助机构,创立于2000年,致力于为那些父母在监狱服刑的孩童提供一个家,创建一个女性与儿童可以安全生活,不受歧视的社会。至今PA的创办人Indira Ranamagar(2014年世界儿童奖得主)与尼泊尔监狱合作下,已将上千名孩童从监狱中拯救出来。



Introducing La Voce 2024 Annual Recital Theme < Let My Love Be Heard >, a choral musical for the children of the world.

It was the mythical mist of the Himalyan Hills that brought him to there, and it was something else that keeps bringing him back.

Local pianist Ng Chong Lim visited Nepal with the hope of discovering new experience beyond Nepal’s mythical veil and started a journey that has now became a lifelong commitment towards the Nepalese children who had inspired him with their optimism and resilience towards the hardships that they are facing.

Nepalese children living in the suburb and rural area does not have access to many basic facilities. For their education, they have to travel a long journey on foot to school, traversing between hills and rivers. Very often, they have to attend to their family’s farm after school to help making ends meet. Though living a life of poverty, their innocent smiles and laughter can be seen and heard everywhere you turn, their supports towards each other and their spirit that has been weighted down by the reality of the world can be felt as much.

Chong Lim was deeply touched by what he saw and decided, with his own effort offering supports to the Nepalese children. Since 2012, Chong Lim has been organizing piano recitals and will be all the fund raised through ticket sales and donation to Nepal and help the Nepalese children with food, education supplies, winter clothing.

And that is the beginning of our story.....

La Voce’s 2024 recital theme < Let My Love Be Heard > is greatly inspired by Chong Lim’s selfless act and commitment towards helping the Nepalese children in improving their living condition and how he uses music to spread the message to fellow Malaysian. We at La Voce decided to echo his act and hope to spread the message through what we do best a La Voce. And partial of the fund raised will be donated to Prisoners Assistance Nepal* for supporting their work on helping the Nepalese children.

For a multi dimensional audiences’ experience in delivering the key message on love and compassion, repertoire by reknown composer of different era and region are carefully selected by our music director Ms. Tang Hui Kung along with storytelling and life interaction with the audiences stimulating all their senses for an experience that last. It is also in our hope that through the staging of this choral musical it will also help cultivating and elevate the sense of appreciation towards arts and spirit of compassion among Malaysian children.

*Prisoners Assistance Nepal is a non-profit making charitable organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and socially reintegrating incarcerated children in Nepal, for more details please visit


  1. 票价 Ticket Price:

价格 Price (MYR)

青色区域 Green Zone

蓝色区域 Blue Zone

红色区域 Red Zone

普通票 Regular




早鸟优惠 Early Bird Promo(截止至ends 31/07/2024)




  1. 家庭套票优惠 Family Package: 
    - 单次购买3张青色区域座位,可输入优惠码【88PROMO】RM 230购得。Purchase 3pcs tickets in Green Zone with the promo code【88PROMO】to get them for RM 230.
    - 单次购买3张蓝色区域座位,可输入优惠码【108PROMO】RM 290购得。Purchase 3pcs tickets in Blue Zone with the promo code【108PROMO】to get them for RM 290.
    - 单次购买3张红色区域座位,可输入优惠码【128PROMO】RM 340购得。Purchase 3pcs tickets in Red Zone with the promo code【128PROMO】to get them for RM 340.

备注 Remarks:

*早鸟与套票优惠不能同时享有,点击购买原价票3pcs,根据价位输入对等code即可以套票优惠购买。Early bird and family package promotion cannot be enjoyed simultaneously. Click to buy 3 regular price tickets, and based on the price, enter the equivalent code to purchase tickets with package discounts.

*所有观众每人一券,儿童须凭全票入场。One ticket per person for all audience members; children must have full-price tickets for entry.

*谢绝怀抱婴儿入场,适合2024年3岁及以上儿童。No entry for infants in arms. Suitable for children aged 3 and above in 2024.

*若儿童出现吵闹情况,家长需带离表演厅进行安抚,避免对其他观众造成影响。If children become noisy, parents are required to take them out of the auditorium for soothing to avoid inconveniencing other audience members.

*工作人员有权将影响观演秩序或对他人造成影响的来宾请离表演厅。Staff have the right to remove guests from the auditorium if they disrupt the viewing order or affect others.


1.On-site Parking: Search for 𝙍&𝙁 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 on Google Maps to reach the on-site parking. The parking lot is located on Level 1, while the opera house is on Level 3. Please note that on-site parking spaces are limited and may fill up quickly during peak hours. We recommend arriving early to secure a spot. 场内停车:谷歌地图搜索 𝙍&𝙁 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 即可抵达,停车场位于1层,歌剧院位于3层。请注意,场内停车位有限,繁忙时段可能会很快填满,我们建议您提前到达以确保找到停车位。

2.Off-site Parking: Search for  𝙍&𝙁 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 on Google Maps to reach the off-site parking. We recommend parking in the B02 and C03A areas. The parking lot is located on Level -1. Take the elevator to Level 1 and follow the signs to the opera house. 场外停车:谷歌地图搜索 𝙍&𝙁 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝘾𝙖𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 即可抵达,建议停靠在B02和C03A区域,停车场位于-1层,需搭乘电梯至1层后,根据指示步行至歌剧院。

欢迎关注我们的官方账号 Follow us on official account:Facebook: Permaisuri Zarith Sofiah Opera House 苏丹后查丽苏菲雅歌剧院

Instagram:Permaisuri Zarith Sofiah Opera House 苏丹后查丽苏菲雅歌剧院

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