Khairunnisa Diyana Md Noor
1 shows
Khairunnisa Diyana Md Noor earned her Master of Music Studies from the Conservatorium of
Music, University of Tasmania, Australia, in 2010 and a Bachelor’s in Music Performance from
UiTM in 2007. While in Australia, she was the recipient of the Jessie Wakefield-Luckman Prize
for voice and finalist in several competitions such as the Lieder Recital, DJMazda Operatic
Aria, and the City of Hobart Eisteddfod.
As a performer, Khairunnisa has appeared in live telecast radio performances for 3 MBS
radio stations in Melbourne, Australia, as well as in various solo recital and chamber
concerts locally such as Music at ILHAM, Embassy of Italy & Embassy of Netherlands Cocktail
and Dinner Reception, Urbanscapes 2019, Opera Puteri Saadong (the first Malay Opera) and
many more. In 2017, she made her first performance in London for the British Malaysia
Society 60th Anniversary of the Malaysian Independence Concert. She was the recipient of
the Lestari Grant under UiTM with an interest in Indie Music in Malaysia and the Cendana
Grant Independent Music Fund Program.
Khairunnisa has also given lectures and workshops at various higher learning institutions,
government and private sector, including MyIPO and Petrosains. Khairunnisa is an active jury
in Malaysia and has been repeatedly invited to adjudicate solo singing and choral
competitions at regional, state, and national levels. She has been involved with the
production of the album Malay Folksongs and Kabus Memori (compilation of songs by Tazul
Tajuddin). In 2022, she launch her solo album ‘Merdu Puisi’, which consists of Malay Art
Songs. She is a lecturer at the Conservatory of Music, College Creative of Arts, UiTM.