TEDx茨厂街成立於 2013 年,是大中华圈外即马来西亚首个中文 TEDx。 这平台是由一群热爱大马的义工自行策划丶组织并承办的年度大会。 我们的宗旨是提供一个具有启发性丶影响力丶创造力以及让人分享好点子的平台,让大马的创新者丶领导者丶改革者丶与梦想家,有机会藉由母语─中文向世界分享他们改变世界的热情与理想。在活动中,我们鼓励演讲者分享他们的想法与概念,期望能以最生动丶活泼的语言,传神地叙述改变他们的正能量以及所坚持的理念,让更多感人的本土故事,传递世界。我们深信 TEDx茨厂街 能成为让不同领域的参与者互相鼓励丶彼此激荡,进而加速好点子丶大思想的传播与广泛应用。
TEDxPetalingStreet is the first Chinese spoken event in Malaysia. This was a vision shared by those who believed that the art of story telling is further refined if conveyed in native mother tongue. More so, if the stories evoke positivity, passion and creative ideas that transform the speaker’s life.
TEDxPetalingStreet hope to spread the word out by gathering many talented Malaysian with such of these stories and give them an opportunity to spread their ideas and passion with others.