靠邊站藝術節 Along The Edge Arts Festival
4 shows
Access show(s) anytime within the festival period (12th - 16th May) once you've purchased the ticket!
About Along The Edge Arts Festival
‘Standing Along the Edge' refers to a status that moves towards the reversed direction form the mainstream/center. While the reasons for such status could be out of being marginalized by the society, it could also be regarded as an act to challenge the existing norms, or one's persistence of not following the major now. The festival explores the ways in which we can embark on a discourse of 'Along the Edge'. People who fall into this category comprise not only the socially marginalized, but also those who autonomously chose to stand along the edge themselves. On the other hand, looking from the macro-perspective, Hong Kong itself is also a city that stands along the edge of China, owing to its unique geographic, cultural and political background, how does it define and develop its own identity and position in the world?
Along the Edge Arts Festival covers diversified programmes including visual arts, dance, drama, musical performances, documentary screening, and workshops. The series of activities aims to provoke the public to interpret and define the inner meaning of 'Standing Along the Edge'. More importantly, this festival also serves as a platform for 'minority' to speak out and exchange with other participants, which is an opportunity to redefine the values of 'along the edge'.
靠邊站,是一種朝著主流/中心的反方向移動的狀態,它可能是被迫無奈的選擇, 但亦有可能是一種對既定陳規的挑戰,一種不願隨波逐流的自我堅守。我們將從不同的角度去探索何謂「靠邊」,既包括被社會邊緣化的群體, 更包含了一些選擇放棄主流、選擇變成小眾的人群。與此同時,我們也希望探討處在中國大陸「邊緣」的香港,在地理、文化、政治制度的「主流」之外,是如何詮釋自身的定位並發展出自身的文化?