Two Much Drama is the brainchild of two distinct yet complementary individuals, Sze-Lyn and Laura, who share a deep passion for theatre and live performances. After years in Singapore, Sze-Lyn settled in Kuching, while Laura returned home after completing her education in Kuala Lumpur and the UK. Both missed the convenience of vibrant theatre scenes, where booking tickets to the next live show was just a click away.
Feeling the absence of accessible live theatre in Kuching, fate brought Sze-Lyn and Laura together. In a bold move, Sze-Lyn convinced Laura that bringing professional theatre productions to Kuching, despite having no funding or experience, was a challenge worth taking on.
Since then, Two Much Drama has successfully brought several productions to Kuching, including:
- Every Brilliant Thing by theatrethreesixty (2018)
- SD Macbeth and Storytelling Romeo and Juliet by The KL Shakespeare Players (2019)
- Lost and Found: The Musical by theatrethreesixty (2019)
In November 2024, Two Much Drama will be bringing back the KL Shakespeare Players for SD A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Storytelling Macbeth.
What started as a quest to reclaim something missing has turned into a vibrant community initiative. Through Two Much Drama, Sze-Lyn and Laura have discovered a tribe of supporters in Kuching, people who believe in their vision and are committed to making professional theatre accessible to all.